Code Mentor

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"everybody writes terrible code" is so accurate.
I was so ashamed of my code, because of being self taught, and never having anything close to a mentor for ~10 years. Then I went into my first job, and I noticed I wasn't lacking anything special for not having had a mentor, and that my code wasn't any better or worse than other people at work.
I also kept surprising everyone because I was the guy with "no experience", being able to tackle any problem thrown at him


"Everybody writes terrible code" is actually what got me started for real. I had a sort of impostor syndrome/writer's block early on, the constant thought was "my code is bad, it's not gonna work, people will realise it's a kludge." Then I had the luck to see actual code from professional coders in actual professional commercial software, some even rather successful, and that's what gave me that seed of confidence I needed to actually start writing stuff.


Speak for yourself. My code is immaculate. No one writes a better Hello World than me.


I was lucky to have a good mentor back in the Perl days, we wrote programs to handle customer SMS commands and CLI porting for major carriers. To this day a lot of that code is still in use and works perfectly, it's some of the cleanest and simplest I've ever worked with, no fancy frameworks, no clever syntax, just boring well thought out software. Set me on the right path and made me completely rethink they way I wrote code. It's a bit like training with Olympians for the first time (in whatever your chosen sport is), you don't realise just how big the gap is. Not everyone is lucky enough to train with an Olympian mind, but, through the power of open source we can all browse decent code at least, if you can get in the room with the person who wrote the code it's even better as they can explain their design choices to you.


I'm a "senior dev" and I definitely write some pretty bad code at times.

It's interesting getting to see others go through different phases of growth as a dev having been in the field for a bit. Like one guy on my team is at the stage where if the code looks really easy, he refactors it to do all sorts of complicated fancy pants stuff, and then watches in disappointment as everyone else works with him to throw out almost 100% of what he did to get it back to being simple and easy. We've all been there (or will be there) I think, not believing that a problem can just be simple and boring to solve and instead over-engineering the sh*t out of it because it feels like that's what we "should" be doing.


The best mentor is future you, apparently


"Look at your old code"
Oh God...


Me looks at my old code: Looks bad! Why tho? Oh! It's not written in Rust.


I definitely had that come to god moment about a year into my first dev job where I was working on something and thought to myself "who the fuck wrote this?" And when I looked it was me like 10 months before hand.

I knew I had made it then haha


I have one piece of old code i think i must have written while being controlled by the machine god. It's better than any of my contemporarily written code.


I never had a mentor in my entire life, all that I know is self taught. I had to always try things by myself and rely on books and docs since video tutorials and courses really isn't my thing


This is why I sub to you prime. “Everyone writes bad code.” This got rid of so much imposter syndrome. Programmers are made not born.


Wow I need to be doing side projects. I don’t think I really have any old code to go back and look at 🤔


That’s exactly what I say about my life in general. I know I’m not improving if I don’t look back at my behavior even a couple years ago and feel embarrassed


My mentor was a library book. I didn't see other people's code until 7 years in, in highschool. By then I could have taught the class.


Lack of mentorship is pain. I've had 1 since I started coding 15 years ago. He was awesome, but I only really had access to him for about 6 months. I've also been almost exclusively hired onto "teams" but then those teams magically don't exist and I'm off in a bubble by myself and just expected to work alone on everything.


Doesn’t it happens with every developer by itself? It’s like you naturally trying to save written code, so there will be some backups of “good decisions” and as a result when you come back with a new experience - you see what you wouldn’t do now


It’s my third year in this industry and I have no mentor either😢


though i do agree, its also as important to pat yourself on the back. you did what you could do at that time and eventually made it work.

as you code, habbits would be formed, habbits would be changed. new things would be learned, some would be unlearned.
the plugins you used back then might now be deprecated or totally abandoned. better implementations.


Code looks terrible when it is hard to understand. Code is easy to understand when you're familiar with it. This is why other people's code looks worse than your own. This is why your old code keeps looking worse and worse the more time passes.

It is very rare that you find a piece of code that is so perfectly simple that you can instantly grok what it does even after not looking at it for months. This then is truly beautiful code.
