Bamileke fairy tales conte bamileke Shwinao pi Happi

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Work today and eat tomorrow, be lazy today and steal tomorrow.









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Shwinao and Happi were sisters. One day, in March, they went to the farm to sow corn. Happi sowed on two ridges, got tired and sat down. Shwinao struggled and continued to sow her maize. She sowed on five rows each containing twenty ridges, that is to say, she sowed corn on one hundred ridges.
She finished and came back to her elder sister Happi who was sitting at the same place where she had left her before. She was cracking palm kernels. She said to her sister, "My elder sister Hɑ̄wɑ̄, shall we go back home?
Her older sister replied, "As long as it does not sprout, I will not budge." Poor Shwinao returned back home slowly, but surely. She woke up early the next day, returned to the farm, found her elder sister between the ridges, soaked through with dew, so much so that she was shivering.
She asked her older sister, "Hɑ̄wɑ̄, did your corn germinate? Happi replied, "It is giving itself unnecessary pain, if it does not sprout, I will not move." Shwinao said, "My elder sister, my mother's child, strive and sow, persevere. As you sow, it will grow after you. " Courage my little sister, Happi replied.
Same like the day before, poor Shwinao sowed five more rows. The time to return home approached, she came to her sister who was seated in the furrows, eating the raffia fruit. She said to her, "My eldest Hɑ̄wɑ̄, my mother's child, let’s go home.
" Happi replied to her younger sister: "Have a good trip! As long as it does not germinate, I will not budge. Shwinao returned home, rested, woke up early the next day, and came to her older sister in the farm, who was angrily and furiously digging up the maize seeds she had sown.
Since she was digging so violently and angrily, she did not have time to notice that the corn seeds had sprouted. She finished, sat down, her hairs were bristling like the hair of an angry dog.
Poor Shwinao saw it and was stunned, deplored the situation in vain, but still took the rest of her corn seeds and her "nīmvēn" (sort of machete that is used to sow) with her, went on to finish the remaining rows of ridges. It was time to go back home.
She came to her elder sister seated in the furrow in a deep and gloomy sadness. They went back home together.
The next day they went to the farm to fetch firewood. Upon arrival, the maize had begun to sprout on the first row of ridges that Shwinao had sown in the first place.
After seeing this, Happi's conscience began to judge her. But she did not say anything. Days and nights followed one another.
Four months later, in the month of July, Shwinao asked for help to harvest her maize. These filled six barns. She ate some of the maize, shared some, sold some, but the amount remained enormous. Thanks to money coming from selling the maize (corn), she built two big castles.
Happi saw it and exclaimed: "Work today and eat tomorrow, be lazy today and steal tomorrow".
Author: Shck Ca᷅mnà’ (Tchamna Rodrigue)
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so lucky to see this. I wish there will be more stories llike this in other languages too. Like Douala, Banen or else


Trop belle initiative... J'ai tellement rêvé de pouvoir connaître les contes de mon pays. J'attends avec hâte toutes vos autres vidéos.
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