5 Superpowers Of This Underrated Synth Plugin 🦸‍♂️ | Synthmaster 2

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Howdy doody, Buckaroonies! Today we're here to talk about my experience revisiting an old favorite of mine: KV331 Synthmaster 2

I haven't used this synth in a while, and it was a lot of fun to re-explore this powerhouse of a plugin with all the new features updates it's received. So, I wanted to make a video sharing a few of my favorite things about it and hopefully inspire you to revisit some of your older plugins (and maybe have some fun with Synthmaster as well)!

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Gear in this video:

0:38 What We're Doing Today
1:34 Sound Demo
2:57 Crazy Preset Library & Layering
4:49 Interesting Oscillators
7:01 More Oscillator Features
8:22 Extensive Modulation
9:37 MSEGs and Sequencers
9:59 Online Preset Library
11:27 Note Quantizing
13:12 One Hidden Feature
14:21 Closing Thoughts

Stay classy!

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#synthmaster2 #synthesizer #musicproduction
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I use synthmaster for years now. Never fails and amazing sounds.


This aint my first VT video by far, but I just gotta say I love your attitude. Keep being awesome <3


A very underrated synth. I discovered it at NAMM a few years ago and immediately bought it. The price is silly for the quality of what you get. Great video!


absolutely adore this demo track. I keep forgetting I own Synthmaster so maybe its time to revisit 😅


I have Synthmaster 2 and it keeps surprising me in positive ways. For example, select the additive osc, load a drum sample per partial, use the sequencer in drum mode and - yep a complete sample-based drum machine. Combine it with another layer and you can have those VPS Avenger backing track vibes, if that's your type of thing.


I found you originally through your synthmaster videos! i had just gotten it on sale and had no idea how to do anything
its nice to see you revisiting it, and i figured i probably will too


Thanks for this. I’ve been using synthmaster for over a year and I am just amazed at the depth of functionality that this provides. It has an incredible feature set and I’m not sure there is anything else that comes close in terms of pure capability. But I am frustrated by the outdated documentation and lack of comprehensive up to date tutorial videos. When you have something as awesomely powerful as synthmaster then you really have to supply some support to explain how everything works and where all the features reside because it’s not all intuitive.

If it had that then I think it would deservedly be the #1 soft synth available today because in terms of features and sound then it really has it all.


I have bough Synthmaster 1 & 2 bundle in 2021 and I don't regret a bit one of the best value synths out there because of it's power and the amount of great presets you get.


With so many synths that are near equally amazing now - what make synthmaster unique is that it’s not pretending to be some sort of special sauce. It’s like £5 runs on an iPhone. The magic is your hands, the synth is just an awesome tool. Love it.


Synthmaster is great, really underrated synth, sounds amazing, and has a great price especially if you snag it on sale.


I wanted to point out the excellent screen splitting effect you used this time. It look very nice and pro, congrats !!! I love your channel content, bravo !!👏👏👏


Certainly very inspiring. Thank you. I have synthmaster, and even if I dig deep into it, I didn't knew some of the functions you spotted.


I bought that thing 5 years ago... still my goto synth. If I have no special other idea. Synthmaster sounds great and is extremely versatile.


This inspired me to look beyond the presets in Synthmaster. Homework indeed!


I really should dig Synthmaster one and 2 out again. I am a bad sufferer of plugin aquisition syndrome, and have a perennial VSTi collecting habit. The trouble with having quite a few good softsynths is that each is a serious distraction from spending time with other plugins.


Came to this video following a link from KV331. That track that you put together is spectacular. While I've scored a handful of budget films, I've yet to get a project that calls for music as cool as that. Thanks so much for sharing.


This might be the most Cameron intro in the history of Cameron intros. I almost spit my coffee out... :)


Something I try to do is set rules about what plugins to use in any given project. In addition to having it solve both the "analysis paralysis" and "blank canvas" issues, it's also an opportunity to revisit various plugins that I haven't had a chance to use, either in a while or not at all.

And I guess I have another thing to add to the wishlist =D


If I should choose only one synth, it is SynthMaster. It sounds just epic, and many library sounds blow me off my socks!
Thanks for nice review :-)
