Apa Jadinya Jika Amerika Serikat Hilang?
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Amerika Serikat. Negara adidaya yang pengaruhnya di mana-mana — mulai dari militer, kuliner, sampai budaya. Tapi pernah gak kalian ngebayangin: gimana jadinya kalau seluruh AS hilang, lenyap tak bersisa? Enjoy the video!
Tanyakan pertanyaan aneh anda di sini! NGGA ada pertanyaan yang bodoh! 'Kok Bisa' ngga cuma sekedar mencoba menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang terlihat bodoh, aneh dan dungu di sini, tapi juga mencoba menumbuhkan rasa keingintahuan anda terhadap segala hal di dunia ini. Jadi, tunggu apalagi? Ayo subscribe, let's watch the videos and go curiosity!
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):
Q: Min, upload tiap hari apa?
A: Tiap hari Rabu dan Sabtu. Tapi kadang-kadang ada video yang butuh waktu pembuatan lebih lama. So, stay tuned!
Q: Min, animasinya pake software apa?
A: Adobe After Effects
A: Bakso is inspiration *wink
📺 Follow Kok Bisa
AJLabs. (2023). How big is Israel’s military and how much funding does it get from the US? Al Jazeera.
Alves, B. (2024, May 27). U.S. Plastic Waste Exports 2015-2023. Statista.
Bourtsalas, Yepes, I. M., & Tian, Y. (2023). U.S. plastic waste exports: A state-by-state analysis pre- and post-China import ban. Journal of Environmental Management, 344, 118604.
Bush, R. C. (2016). Kashmir: Redefining the U.S. role. Brookings.
Council on Foreign Relations. (n.d.). Territorial disputes in the South China Sea | global conflict tracker.
Council on Foreign Relations. (n.d.-a). A timeline of U.S.-India relations.
Council on Foreign Relations. (n.d.-b). How much U.S. aid is going to Ukraine?.
Crane, K. (2024). What are the top U.S. exports?. Shipping Solutions Export Document Software - Home Page.
Dyvik, E. H. (2024). Top exporting countries 2023. Statista.
Dyvik, E. H. (2024b). Who has the most nuclear weapons worlwide 2024. Statista.
Foreign Policy News. (2021). Kashmir and the role of the United States.
Gilpin, R. (2001). Global Political Economy: Understanding the International Economic Order. Princeton: Princeton University Pr. p.159.
Guardian News and Media. (2023, March 20). “the stuff was illegally dug up”: New York’s Met Museum sees Reputation Erode over collection practices. The Guardian.
MacFarlane, N. (2006). Human Security and the UN: A Critical History. Indiana University Press.
Masters, J., & Merrow, W. (2024). U.S. Aid to Israel in Four Charts. Council on Foreign Relations.
Mikulic, M. (2024). Top pharma companies by RX sales and R&D spending 2023. Statista.
O’Hanlon, M. E., William A. Galston, E. K., & Elaine Kamarck, W. A. G. (2016). What role does the United States have in the India-pakistan crisis?. Brookings.
Plastic pollution by country 2024. (n.d.).
Shinkman, P. D. (2023). U.S. Intel Helped India Rout China in 2022 Border Clash: Sources. US News.
SIPRI Military Expenditure Database. (2024).
Statista Research Department. (2024). Israel: Military budget and expenditure 2024. Statista.
Tiseo, I. (2023). Global CO2 emissions share by country 2015. Statista.
U.S. Department of State. (n.d.). Security Cooperation with Ukraine.
U.S. Department of State. (n.d.-a). Security Cooperation with India.
U.S. Department of State. (n.d.-b). U.S. Department of State. U.S. Relations with Taiwan
US sharing of intelligence with India in China border clash seen as pivotal. (2023). South China Morning Post.
Why India became indispensable to US foreign policy and Pakistan was left behind. – The Diplomat. (n.d.).
Wingfield-Hayes, R. (2023). The US is quietly arming Taiwan to the teeth. BBC News.
A massive THANK YOU to everyone for watching this and for all of your support!
Tanyakan pertanyaan aneh anda di sini! NGGA ada pertanyaan yang bodoh! 'Kok Bisa' ngga cuma sekedar mencoba menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang terlihat bodoh, aneh dan dungu di sini, tapi juga mencoba menumbuhkan rasa keingintahuan anda terhadap segala hal di dunia ini. Jadi, tunggu apalagi? Ayo subscribe, let's watch the videos and go curiosity!
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):
Q: Min, upload tiap hari apa?
A: Tiap hari Rabu dan Sabtu. Tapi kadang-kadang ada video yang butuh waktu pembuatan lebih lama. So, stay tuned!
Q: Min, animasinya pake software apa?
A: Adobe After Effects
A: Bakso is inspiration *wink
📺 Follow Kok Bisa
AJLabs. (2023). How big is Israel’s military and how much funding does it get from the US? Al Jazeera.
Alves, B. (2024, May 27). U.S. Plastic Waste Exports 2015-2023. Statista.
Bourtsalas, Yepes, I. M., & Tian, Y. (2023). U.S. plastic waste exports: A state-by-state analysis pre- and post-China import ban. Journal of Environmental Management, 344, 118604.
Bush, R. C. (2016). Kashmir: Redefining the U.S. role. Brookings.
Council on Foreign Relations. (n.d.). Territorial disputes in the South China Sea | global conflict tracker.
Council on Foreign Relations. (n.d.-a). A timeline of U.S.-India relations.
Council on Foreign Relations. (n.d.-b). How much U.S. aid is going to Ukraine?.
Crane, K. (2024). What are the top U.S. exports?. Shipping Solutions Export Document Software - Home Page.
Dyvik, E. H. (2024). Top exporting countries 2023. Statista.
Dyvik, E. H. (2024b). Who has the most nuclear weapons worlwide 2024. Statista.
Foreign Policy News. (2021). Kashmir and the role of the United States.
Gilpin, R. (2001). Global Political Economy: Understanding the International Economic Order. Princeton: Princeton University Pr. p.159.
Guardian News and Media. (2023, March 20). “the stuff was illegally dug up”: New York’s Met Museum sees Reputation Erode over collection practices. The Guardian.
MacFarlane, N. (2006). Human Security and the UN: A Critical History. Indiana University Press.
Masters, J., & Merrow, W. (2024). U.S. Aid to Israel in Four Charts. Council on Foreign Relations.
Mikulic, M. (2024). Top pharma companies by RX sales and R&D spending 2023. Statista.
O’Hanlon, M. E., William A. Galston, E. K., & Elaine Kamarck, W. A. G. (2016). What role does the United States have in the India-pakistan crisis?. Brookings.
Plastic pollution by country 2024. (n.d.).
Shinkman, P. D. (2023). U.S. Intel Helped India Rout China in 2022 Border Clash: Sources. US News.
SIPRI Military Expenditure Database. (2024).
Statista Research Department. (2024). Israel: Military budget and expenditure 2024. Statista.
Tiseo, I. (2023). Global CO2 emissions share by country 2015. Statista.
U.S. Department of State. (n.d.). Security Cooperation with Ukraine.
U.S. Department of State. (n.d.-a). Security Cooperation with India.
U.S. Department of State. (n.d.-b). U.S. Department of State. U.S. Relations with Taiwan
US sharing of intelligence with India in China border clash seen as pivotal. (2023). South China Morning Post.
Why India became indispensable to US foreign policy and Pakistan was left behind. – The Diplomat. (n.d.).
Wingfield-Hayes, R. (2023). The US is quietly arming Taiwan to the teeth. BBC News.
A massive THANK YOU to everyone for watching this and for all of your support!