Our Top 10 Spells in Dungeons & Dragons 5e

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Time Stamps
3:10 - Cantrips
4:35 - 1st level
6:43 - 2nd level
9:14 - 3rd level
10:28 - 4th level
12:47 - 5th level
15:07 - 6th level
17:05 - 7th level
21:04 - 8th level
24:13 - 9th Level

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0: Eldritch Blast / Minor Illusion
1: Healing Word / Find Familiar
2: Invisibility / Spiritual Weapon
3: Counterspell / Fireball
4: Polymorph
5: Animate Objects / Wall of Force
6: Mass Suggestion / Contingency
7: Simulacrum / Forcecage
8: Feeblemind / Maze
9: Wish


Monty: *explains Simulacrum*

Kelly: "You can do what, now?!"


The craziest thing about Fireball was with our wild magic sorcerer. It was the final battle against the BBEG, he casted fireball, which triggered his wild magic table. I was the DM, so when he rolled the d100 and I checked which crazy effect he got this time, it was none other than - a fireball, centring himself. In order to save himself and his allies, our player pulled one of the craziest trick I've ever seen - he casted Counterspell on himself.

So I basically described the scene as: "As the Fireball flew out of Ralph's hand, all of a sudden, another one emerged from his palm, growing larger and larger to the point of explosion with in seconds. Just as you all watched this in horror, you see Ralph clenched his teeth in desperation, and the Fireball that was slipping out his hand suddenly withered away into a puff of smoke, and vanished as quietly as it had come."


So I’ve got a fun story with Contingency. Recently my group just finished a campaign where we all ended at 12. As soon as we had the components, the other wizard and I cast our contingencies. His was logical: dispel magic if he’s hit with an effect. Mine was more funny: cast polymorph on myself if I get below 10 HP. Guess who nearly got one-shotted by the final boss only to survive on 2 hp and then became a T Rex? Great boss fight 😄


BBEG: *returns from maze* “NOTHING CAN STOP ME NOW!”
Wizard: *wishes for another maze*


I open the video and once i saw the format said to myself, "Monty is going to pick Fireball at 3, isnt he?" I didnt have to be a divination wizard for that, I guess.


For Cantrips I have to give a shout out to Guidance. It's essentially a low level Bardic Inspiration at will for any out of combat situation. The number of times that little d4 has saved our party from getting captured or pissing off a noble makes it the #1 pick for me.


“you’ll never be this restricted in actual play, choosing one spell for an entire level”

cries in mystic arcanum


You didn't say for counterspell that you can do the hypest thing in d&d: counterspell a counterspell


Kelly's expression at the Simulacrum explanations 😂🤣🤣🤣


Funniest thing is Monty beating Kelly to "Fireball".


Find familiar is amazing, particularly at low level, and healing word is almost crucial, but I would like to give a shout out to the most used spell in both of of the Drakenheim campaigns, as well as my own.


Action economy is king in 5th ed, and having such an incredible use for ones reaction has surely turned the tide of countless battles.


one of my favorite spells is Reverse Gravity, since it allows for a lot of creativity. One idea i had was if a ship was gonna fall off of a waterfall, you could cast Reverse Gravity beneath it and slow it down before it reached the bottom. my wizard was level 20, so he could cast it a max of 4 times (since it's a 7th level spell) which meant that we could fall off an 800ft waterfall and not take any damage. this might not be totally RAW, but i have a physics degree, so i tried working out the physics of the scenario, and it turns out you can fall twice the height of the cylinder without taking damage (since the kinetic energy you gain for half the fall is then lost for the other half the fall when you're inside the cylinder). i always imagined this awesome scenario of us being chased down a river, when suddenly we came across a massive waterfall, and my wizard just stands at the helm, telling everyone to brace, and pulling off this crazy maneuver. sadly i never got the chance to use it, but it's a lot of fun to think about and imagine, plus it combined by two favorite things: Physics and D&D


Ok I love the “go to the nearest beach and count sand”. Also going to be a new irl way to tell someone off. And omg, I laughed so hard at “when I say giggle shorts”


I'm fond of Pass Without Trace. In my current game, we have a Paladin who we lovingly refer to as "Mr. Clanky" because of his heavy armor and notoriously bad stealth and dex rolls. That spell has saved even our louder party members from being detected while infiltrating a location, it's super helpful.


Barbarian on a T Rex is metal AF. I think I saw it on an old Molly Hatchet album cover .


I know I'm one person in an ocean, but I feel like giving my list because why not?

Cantrip: Guidance. I've been playing a cleric recently, and and giving myself (or sometimes someone else when needed) an extra 1d4 can give that extra little boost to get the outcome you need. Will it always? Hell no. But it can turn an absolute shit roll into a less shit roll, or a great roll into an outstanding roll.

1st level: Shield. Became my favorite when my group's artificer used it once to block like 6 attacks to tank for the team, so then they can focus on someone else, get an important artifact from them, and then they could all get grouped up together so then their more powerful friend can cast teleport to get them out. If that spell wasn't cast, she probably would have went down and the situation would have been much more complicated.

2nd level: While Heat Metal is very tempting, gotta go with Enlarge/Reduce. It has so much utility, both in and of combat, and also it is so universally hilarious.

3rd level: If I wanted to be different from you two, i would pick Sending because of how integral it can be for easily communicating with NPCs, but because I don't care about that, I'm choosing Counterspell. It is clutch. I've used it as a DM with NPCs to help the PCs out a lot. But soon, there will be a situation where I will be using it to mess around with them. It'll be a great time.

4th level: I'm tempted by Dimension Door, Control Water, and Summon Greater Demon, but I'm also in the Polymorph club for the same reasons you said.

5th level: Here are a bunch of campaign-defining spells: Scrying, Teleportation Circle, and Greater Restoration. However, I'm going with a strange one: Circle of Power. Paladin only (but kickass magical secrets pick), gives advantage on all magical saves, and all of those saves that do damage you basically have evasion for (half on a fail, none on a success). Never played a paladin or high level bard, but if I get a chance I am taking this spell.

6th level: Otto's Irresistible Dance is really funny, and having a no-saving throw (but can be resisted if they are immune to charm) immediate restriction on a ton of the shit they can do is kickass. I'm also tempted by Disintegrate just for pure damage.

7th level: This is the only real tie because they serve a similar purpose: Teleport and Plane shift. Plane shift can be defining to a whole arc of a campaign, but teleport is great for convenience.

8th level: Had the same problem as you guys.I also chose the same thing: Feeblemind, with second choice being Maze. But now that I'm looking again, Illusory Dragon looks kick-ass for damage, Clone is a GREAT DM spell (I've used it myself in that way as backups for the big baddies), and Telepathy is an extended Sending spell which is wonderful.

9th level: Other than Wish, Meteor Swarm is THE best pure damage AOE spell. But honestly, my fav has to be Foresight. No concentration, advantage on all d20 rolls for and disadvantage on attacks rolls against the person of your choice for 8 HOURS?! Gonna take that wish whoever I can.


3rd level: Hypnotic Pattern

Fireball has solved many a encoutner, counterspell has thwartet much of a plan, but hpynotic pattern is as a battlefield controlspell simply ridiculously amazing.
30 by 30 cube, only initial save, inflictes charmed, so a instrumend oh the bards impsoes disadvantge on this save. range 120' so out of the range of counterspell.


8th level: Glibness never role below a 15 on a charisma check. Immune to truth magic. Situational but one of my favorites.


After hearing feeble mind and maze.

8th level: Mind blank everyday, and always prep anti magic field, also have a bunch of clones around just in case.
