Juno: New Origins Launch Trailer

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We are thrilled to announce that Juno: New Origins has hit version 1.0 and has officially left Early Access on Steam!

This video was created by @Vincent. You can check out his YouTube channel here:

After four years of development, the game has grown from a simple rocket simulator to a comprehensive aerospace sandbox, where players can bring to life anything they can imagine - from rockets, airplanes, and cars to entire planets.

This update includes the highly-anticipated Career Mode update, which is our largest update yet and has been in development for over one year. In Career Mode, players can now grow their own aerospace company by completing contracts to earn money and discover a mixture of hand-crafted and procedural contracts that offer countless hours of new gameplay. Conquer milestones and explore landmarks to earn tech points and unlock new technology in the tech tree. Interactive tutorials are available to show players how to build and operate rockets, cars, and airplanes.

We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our community for all of their support, suggestions, bug reports, and feedback throughout the Early Access period. Your contributions have been invaluable in shaping the game into what it is today!

We can't wait for you to experience all that Juno: New Origins has to offer in its final release. Thank you again for your support and we hope you enjoy the game!

Music: "To the stars" by Alex Bess
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We are thrilled to announce that Juno: New Origins has hit version 1.0 and has officially left Early Access on Steam!


My son, now 18, has played simple planes when he was younger and created all manner of things with it. I've seen flying toasters complete with ejecting toast!
A flying octopus, no less!
All sorts. Amazing
He is now doing his leaving certificate (Ireland) and is doing 3d design, solidworks type stuff and does it almost effortlessly. Even shows up his teacher from time to time.
He literally teaches some of his classmates that struggle with various things in the class.

And i put it down to what you guys have created.
I am so thankful for what you have done.
You are literally changing peoples lives with this stuff.


It's Juno'ing time! (and then they Juno'ed all over the place)


Been playing this game for about two years and to be honest it’s probably one of the best and most positive communities I’ve ever seen in a game. Cant wait to see where you go Juno.


I have been in the game for 3 years since the lockdown started and now it's a part of my life ❤️


i still remember the excitement I had when I first saw the forum post announcing a successor to simplerockets, originally planned to be a 2.5D game to something as big as this! You have come so far Jundroo, be proud


I really love this. Feels like it and KSP 2 will both have different things to offer, and I love that we have enough people interested in spaceflight to result in two really awesome looking space sim games!


El Minecraft de los cohetes, Juno: New Origins


I know this is not something for me personally, but I love the concept and the trailer. So I wish you guys all the luck on the release. Hope you do well :)


Well done guys, the game has come a long way. Can’t wait to see the new trailer.


No fing way that my build is in official trailer ... Almost 1k hours of playtime and still so many things to do.. Thank you guys


I remember back when the game was announced, and I was just a small lad who relied on pocket money. One of my favourite memories was when the game was finally released, and I begged my parents to get it for me. I have learned so damn much about space and how to navigate it, and it has forever made me fascinated by this topic. I am now going into my final year of school, and I plan on taking physics and astronomy through university, and I cannot wait to see what is up ahead. As dumb as it might sound, this game has somehow changed my life, and I cannot wait to see what comes next.


Simple Planes is the best game I have ever played and its extremely underrated. I cannot wait until Juno launches, it looks incredible!! thanks guys for making such an amazing game


damn that's a pretty epic trailer


I remember waiting almost 2 years just for this game to be released on mobile (since it was all I had at the time). Playing simplerockets in it's place. Now look how far we have come.


Congratulations! I'm proud to have been here since the start :)


Easily the most underrated aerospace simulator available today. Better than the one with little green men by a long shot. Keep it up, Jundroo!


The trailer still gives me goosebumps…
Well done Juno Team!


I remember finding simple planes years ago back when it was free on the appstore and now yall have made this absolutely amazing


Funny that this was uploaded 4 hours ago. I just now happened to look for the app after over a year of not using it.
