Microoperation on register
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micro operation in computer architecture UNIT- I Computer Arithmetic and Register transfer language: Unsigned notation, signed notation, binary coded decimal, floating point numbers, IEEE 754 floating point standard, Micro-operation, Bus and Memory Transfers, Bus Architecture, Bus Arbitration, Arithmetic Logic, Shift Micro operation, Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit. [T1,T2][No. of hrs. 11] UNIT- II Instruction set architecture & computer organization: Levels of programming languages, assembly language instructions, 8085 instruction set architecture, Instruction Codes, Computer Registers, Computer Instructions, Timing & Control, Instruction Cycle, Memory Reference Instructions, Input-Output and Interrupts [T1,T2][No. of hrs. 11] UNIT- III Control Design: Instruction sequencing & interpretation, Hardwired & Micro Programmed (Control Unit), Micrprogrammed computers, Microcoded CPU: Pentium processor. Specifying a CPU, Design & implementation of simple CPU, General Register Organization, Stack Organization, Instruction Formats, Addressing Modes, Internal architecture of 8085 microprocessor. [T1,T2][No. of hrs. 11] UNIT- IV Memory & Input/Output organization: Memory Technology, Main Memory (RAM and ROM Chips), Virtual memory, High-speed memories Asynchronous Data Transfers, Programmed I/O, interrupts, Direct memory Access, Serial communication, UARTs, RS-232-C & RS-422 standard [T1,T2][No. of hrs. 11] Text Books: [T1] J. D. Carpinelli, “Computer Systems Organization and Architecture”, Pearson Education, 2006. [T2] J. P. Hayes, “Computer Architecture and Organization”, McGraw Hill, 1988. Reference Books: [R1] J. L Hennessy and D. A. Patterson, “Computer Architecture: A quantitative approach”, Morgon Kauffman, 1992. [R2] W. Stallings, “Computer organization and Architecture”, PHI, 7th ed, 2005. [R3] B. Parhami, “Computer Architecture: From Microprocessors to Supercomputers”, Oxford University press, 2006.