My Website is Not Showing Up in Google Search?
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Your website is not showing up in Google because the elevarhythm spiders have not crawled your website. A lot of resources online are going to tell you that you need to submit your website to certain tools and such but that’s not really what it means. Googles algorithm feeds off of links, and across the web using links. Your website isn’t getting Crawled or indexed because you don’t have links pointing to your website.
My Gear:
The first step to getting your website index to Google is to get a bunch of links pointing to it. A super fast way to get your website to shopping. Google is to start sharing links on social media platforms. One trick to getting your website indexed is to upload a new YouTube video and link to your website in the description box of the video. YouTube gets indexed extremely fast because it’s such a fast moving social media platform. Putting a link in a new uploaded video on YouTube is going to ensure that your website is indexed.
A huge factor to your website showing up in Google is how old your website is. If the age of your website is under six months that is going to play a role. Google hates brand new websites and it likes to give sites time so that I can trust that. The reason for this is because spammers are constantly publishing new websites in trying to Rig googles algorithm. So what they do is they make website age a strong indicator of how authoritative the site is.

My Gear:
The first step to getting your website index to Google is to get a bunch of links pointing to it. A super fast way to get your website to shopping. Google is to start sharing links on social media platforms. One trick to getting your website indexed is to upload a new YouTube video and link to your website in the description box of the video. YouTube gets indexed extremely fast because it’s such a fast moving social media platform. Putting a link in a new uploaded video on YouTube is going to ensure that your website is indexed.
A huge factor to your website showing up in Google is how old your website is. If the age of your website is under six months that is going to play a role. Google hates brand new websites and it likes to give sites time so that I can trust that. The reason for this is because spammers are constantly publishing new websites in trying to Rig googles algorithm. So what they do is they make website age a strong indicator of how authoritative the site is.
