The Shocking Truth Behind Yul Brynner's Baldness
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Before Yul Brynner came around the old saying 'bald is beautiful' never even existed. It's said that even Michael Jordan might have borrowed his signature 'chrome dome' look from Brynner. But even if that's true, Yul was the first brave traveler to trek on down the lonely road of the follicularly challenged. And he did so with his chest out and his shoulders held high.
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Surprisingly, Brynner isn't a part of that special club of men who reach middle-age and start losing their luscious manes because of natural hair loss. Nope, he could actually grow a full head of hair if he wanted to but after he first shaved his hair for his iconic role in The King and I and ended up liking the way he looked so much that he decided the keep it going. What was only ever intended to be a temporary grooming choice for a film role became an aesthetic that he would rock for the rest of his life.
While repping the cue-ball look, Brynner won two Tony Awards and eventually an Academy Award for the film adaptation of The King and I.
The Shocking Truth Behind Yul Brynner's Baldness
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Surprisingly, Brynner isn't a part of that special club of men who reach middle-age and start losing their luscious manes because of natural hair loss. Nope, he could actually grow a full head of hair if he wanted to but after he first shaved his hair for his iconic role in The King and I and ended up liking the way he looked so much that he decided the keep it going. What was only ever intended to be a temporary grooming choice for a film role became an aesthetic that he would rock for the rest of his life.
While repping the cue-ball look, Brynner won two Tony Awards and eventually an Academy Award for the film adaptation of The King and I.
The Shocking Truth Behind Yul Brynner's Baldness