What is Biblical Theology?

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quite informative and a great example with Pslams, thanks


I’m a believer, but wow, that really seems like a lot of mental gymnastics to come to that conclusion


I would say that killing children is evil, and believing that killing certain children is righteous because of religious beliefs is also evil.


Justification of the lamest kind. The bible scholars can & will justify anything. I'm a Christian believer, but won't accept the mayhem of the O.T. as anything but blind, primitive fanaticism. Some scholars will finagle until the cows come home, but the morality will remain moot always subject to this or that interpretation. One says, if someone wants to accept & justify barbarism, well, it's up to them.


This quotation from scripture he uses is not a reflection of any historical reality. There was no dashing of children against the rocks. It does indeed reflect the psalmist's understanding that God is a jealous and vindictive god. So the question really is, do you want to believe in this abomination of morality or do you want to understand and admit to yourself that no one should have anything to do with such absurdity? If you stay in this religion and defend it, you are complicit in its doctrine of submission to whatever the wrathful god of Abraham doles out to humanity. Do you want to be a part of this, or do you say to yourself -- as any sane person should -- hey, I'm outa here.
