ACA Sydney International Speaker Meeting: Balancing Your Life Realms (audio podcast)

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The quality of life is made up of the building blocks of relationships and maintenance of life balance. How do we identify the ingredients of life balance? How do we manage to keep our lives balanced and fulfilled?

Let's explore the key factors of survival during transition; Life Balance.

Recorded at the Sidney International Speaker Meeting on September 8, 2024. The meeting link can be found at the Adult Children of Alcoholics and Other Dysfuntional Families meeting list. I have uploaded this as an ACA podcast.

These concepts are taken from the Intimacy Gram; a means of diagramming the quality of relationships and life balance. This tool can be used for anyone, but is helpful when dealing with a life transition, recovery from drugs, alcohol, codepencency, and trauma, and couples therapy. The book, The Intimacy Gram, is available on Amazon. This manual is like having a road map with a perosnal life coach.

I'm Ken Francis, M.S., California licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and author of The Intimacy Gram and The Gratitude Snorkel and Other Bedtime Stories. I specialize in Alcohol Addiction treatment, Substance Use Disorder Treatment, trauma recovery, and group therapy. With Covid-19 social distancing practices, I have had to stop teaching classes at my clinic. This video and others are my attempt to make my educational topics available to my patients. I have placed them on YouTube so others can benefit. Please check out my other videos as they are a good resource for information on substance abuse, trauma, motivation, and gratitude.

Please like and subscribe to get more videos on recovery: Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Alanon, Adult Children of Alcoholics, Mindfulness, good Mental Health and Self Care.

Please feel free to share this ACoA podcast so that others can benefit!


00:00 Intro
01:55 Cake or Pie?
02:37 Think of your life like a pie and how you slice it
06:20 Struggles and Challeges with Transition
10:03 Benefits of each Life Realm
12:13 Have-to's and Want-to's
13:22 Self-esteem, Shame and Abandonment
15:01 How to Slice Your Pie: Looking at Balance and Lack of Balance
17:02 Introvert versus Extrovert
18:06 Textrovert
18:25 Drafting Your Pie Diagram
19:04 Ideal Pie Diagram
19:23 Dark Realms
19:49 Addiction
21:12 Boredom
22:08 Co-dependency
22:55 Social Media
23:49 Personal Examples
28:57 Life Balance Diagram when Working the 12 Steps
31:48 Life Balance Diagram when Working the Loving Parent Guidebook
33:47 Conclusion: Benefits of an Intimacy Gram and Life Realm Diagram

#The_Intimacy_Gram #adultchildrenofalcoholics #mentalhealth #intimacy #relationship #intimacy #love #personalgrowth #direction #addictionandrecovery #codependency
Kenneth M Francis
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Great discussion Ken. Thank you for sharing. The very best of wishes to you🙏


Talking about the missing slice, I believe it is very difficult to turn away from something previously desired; I must turn TOWARD something else better for me and fill in that missing slice positively.


Would you mind if I give a suggestion? There are thousands of LIVE streams on YT at any given moment where people can get toogther around shared interests or needs etc, but no one does them for 12 steppers or recovery. one lady does but she charges (Crappy Childhood Fairy). You might make a goo candidate for doing live streams.. Would you be interesterd? Like even movie night kind of things, nothing extremely stuffy but where people can relax and chat. Many of us are disabled etc so no money for paid stuff. Many of us are on busses etc or even transpoertationless and live life like on LOCK DOWN... There's no groups to visit in person etc. It's a computer and four walls (to make a point). I mean you do like posting, why not stream?
