The Demarcation Problem for Philosophy

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Philosophy almost alone among disciplines appears to lack a distinctive subject matter. The world has chemical, biological and political aspects, but no philosophical aspects. If subject matter does have a role to play here, it’s to do less with the field’s descriptive ambitions than the genealogy of philosophical problems. MIT's professor of philosophy's Stephen Yablo’s interests are wide-ranging, from metaphysics, philosophical logic and epistemology, to the philosophy of language and the philosophy of mathematics. A prolific writer, Yablo is the author of a two-volume collection of papers called Thoughts: Papers on Mind, Meaning, and Modality (2009) and Things: Papers on Objects, Events, and Properties (2010). His most recent book, Aboutness (2014), attempts to make topic an equal partner in meaning with truth-conditions, applying meanings so conceived to knowledge, logic, ontology, discourse theory, and philosophical methodology. Recorded on 04/27/2022. [8/2022] [Show ID: 37732]
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00:19 Introduction
05:02 Main Presentation
01:00:51 Q & A
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Explore More Humanities on UCTV
The humanities encourage us to think creatively and explore questions about our world. UCTV explores human culture through literature, history, ethics, philosophy, cinema and religion so we can better understand the human experience.
UCTV is the broadcast and online media platform of the University of California, featuring programming from its ten campuses, three national labs and affiliated research institutions. UCTV explores a broad spectrum of subjects for a general audience, including science, health and medicine, public affairs, humanities, arts and music, business, education, and agriculture. Launched in January 2000, UCTV embraces the core missions of the University of California -- teaching, research, and public service – by providing quality, in-depth television far beyond the campus borders to inquisitive viewers around the world.
00:00 Start
00:19 Introduction
05:02 Main Presentation
01:00:51 Q & A
More from: UC Berkeley Graduate Lectures
Explore More Humanities on UCTV
The humanities encourage us to think creatively and explore questions about our world. UCTV explores human culture through literature, history, ethics, philosophy, cinema and religion so we can better understand the human experience.
UCTV is the broadcast and online media platform of the University of California, featuring programming from its ten campuses, three national labs and affiliated research institutions. UCTV explores a broad spectrum of subjects for a general audience, including science, health and medicine, public affairs, humanities, arts and music, business, education, and agriculture. Launched in January 2000, UCTV embraces the core missions of the University of California -- teaching, research, and public service – by providing quality, in-depth television far beyond the campus borders to inquisitive viewers around the world.