Spread and Rest Operators in JavaScript #javascript #DSA #javascriptinterview

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n JavaScript, the spread and rest operators are both represented by three dots (...), but they serve different purposes.

Spread Operator (...):
- The spread operator allows an iterable (like an array or a string) to be expanded into individual elements. It is used to split up array elements or object properties.
- When used with arrays, it can be used to copy an array, concatenate arrays, or pass elements of an array as arguments to a function.
- With objects, it can be used to create shallow copies of objects, merge objects, or clone objects with new properties.

Rest Parameter (...):
- The rest parameter syntax allows you to represent an indefinite number of arguments as an array.
- It is used in function definitions to capture multiple arguments into a single array parameter.
- The rest parameter must be the last parameter in a function.
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Varargs in java are similar to rest operator😮


i am currently working on note zipper app and have almost finished it but i am stuck at the redux, coz i want to use redux toolkit and I am currently learning redux toolkit so can you make a dedicated video for redux toolkit and a small sample project on how can we implement it in projects please?


Or use Array.flat over the whole thing, same result.


Bhaiya dsa ka video banao for java script


From where did you learn all these additional things sir pls help and provide resources to learn additional things except the findamentals🙏🏼


Bro thinks he did something by making a basic tutorial when thousands already exist
