JLL Pyspark Interview Question - Get Top3 pickup locations
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One of the Pyspark Interview question recently asked in JLL interview.
We need to Get Top3 pickup locations.
Lets see how we can achieve this by using GroupBy count and limit.
Mentioning the dataframe details here
# Define the schema
schema = StructType([
StructField("reqid", IntegerType(), True),
StructField("pickup_location", StringType(), True)
# Create a DataFrame with the defined schema
data = [(48, "Airport"), (49, "Office"),(50, "Hospital"),(51, "Airport"),(52, "Hospital"),(53, "Shoppingmall"),(54, "Office"),(55, "Hospital"),(56, "Hospital")]
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We need to Get Top3 pickup locations.
Lets see how we can achieve this by using GroupBy count and limit.
Mentioning the dataframe details here
# Define the schema
schema = StructType([
StructField("reqid", IntegerType(), True),
StructField("pickup_location", StringType(), True)
# Create a DataFrame with the defined schema
data = [(48, "Airport"), (49, "Office"),(50, "Hospital"),(51, "Airport"),(52, "Hospital"),(53, "Shoppingmall"),(54, "Office"),(55, "Hospital"),(56, "Hospital")]
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