September Reset 🌻 declutter and tidy my cottage with me part 2

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00:00 September reset
00:50 Bedroom declutter and clean up
15:41 Wardrobe declutter
22:22 Autumn/winter clothes declutter
30:11 Things to sell
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Love the chat about clothing/decluttering and knowing the difference between holding onto things that you shouldn't as opposed to keeping things you may need again realistically. Lovely calming video as always ❤


Just my absolute favourite type of video. I could watch people declutter and organise all day.


Seeing your green guest room again makes me want to paint my bedroom that colour. Going to check what shade you used 😊 it just looks so cosy


Great motivation video Maddie, we are all guilty of hanging onto clothing that doesn’t fit us & we don’t wear. Good idea to sell to others that can love them instead. It feels good to get rid of things that no longer serve a purpose. I can understand keeping items that have been purchased for a special even in our lives. Well done Maddie for decluttering all those things and helping the likes of me spring into action. Best wishes Karen 🍂🧡🍁


I completely agree with the whole thing of hanging onto clothes from when you were a smaller size, as if it’s some kind of trophy that you won and you haven’t managed to achieve it again. It’s a completely self-destructive exercise and something we all should stop doing. Love the vlog as always xxx


For getting rid of bras, I recommend looking for charities that you can send them too. There are a couple around that give gently used bras to people who need them. I think they also recycle bras that are too old and used to be given


0:33 And thank you for sharing that with us! I have to keep reminding myself that. There was a time in my life not too long ago, where I was measuring how well I was doing amd how happy I should be with how my place looked and how close it was to being done and organized to the point where it never looked messy and I was looking to youtubers for what that should look like. Now I am happy with my place but still feel anxious when it doesn't look pintrest perfect. And have to keep reminding myself of the saying "If you're not satisfied with what you have, nothing you COULD have will ever satisfy you either." So thank you for showing us your beautiful home actually being "lived-in".


My experience with bras: Look up a small Dessous shop with good recommendations and preferably owned by an older lady or something. Once I went to such a shop, the woman took one look at me, made me lift my armes and spin around and gave me 3 bras to try on. They all fit perfectly. I took the two I liked most colour wise. Yes they were more expensive than from a high street bra store or online shop, but wearing them feels so much better.
It is also possible that ill fitting bras are contributing to your back pain. So my message to all of you: you are worth getting yourself well fitted bras!


Feels great when you declutter, I am the same way with clothes stuff I haven't worn in years I always say Oh I may wear again and it never happens.


The bra drawer brought my mind back 40 yrs. I had just had my son, we had no money and my bra size was much bigger. So my mother very kindly went and bought me 6 very expensive bras to help me out and make me feel "fancy" again. I hung the bag on the back of the kitchen door and my husband doing the garbage just assumed that is what they were and promptly threw them out. By the time I realized, bin men had come and gone:( I think I cried for 2 days. Funny how bras really do make a woman feel "fancy":).


Hope you're ok maddie, I tired myself out Monday, always reset day after weekend but went through every inch of the house decluttering for charity shop, feels soooo good after ❤❤


Hi Maddie, I had a huge declutter and it has been a weight off my shoulders. Other people can get good use out of the items. Donate all the clothes that don’t fit unless they have sentimental value/ memories of something very special. If you slim down again then you can buy new things including charity shop/Vinted articles. It will also make it easier to keep your house clean and tidy as ever has a home. You need to reread your minimalism book to help motivate you. Once things are out of the house you forget you ever had them. You need to be ruthless. To make it easier then consider just donating to charity and not selling on Vinted. The stuff that doesn’t sell quickly is still cluttering up your home.

A tidy home just makes life easier and less chaotic. Also less guilt and beating yourself up about the stuff that lies around and makes you feel bad. A tidy, minimal home makes housework a breeze and that brings immense satisfaction and makes you feel in control of your surroundings. I recommend Diane in Denmark to help you get motivated as she breaks everything down into small achievable chunks.


I’ve put all my clothes that are now too small in vacuum storage bags and put them away. Left only clothes that fit me in my wardrobe. It was painful because I’ve never been this big and I loved my clothes, I shop vintage and I sew so each piece was quite unique. But it gives me peace of mind that if one day I’ll lose the weight, I still have them :)


I have been ending my battle with clothing for a couple of years now. It's difficult to admit to yourself that you may never be a certain size again. I get very irritated with myself because I am the only person who is critical of me.


Your bedrooms are beautiful. I agree with you on much more feminine than a t shirt.... So I am not the only one to store items under the bed!!!


Nice reset Maddie. I don't hold on to clothes that don't feel comfortable on me. I donate them so someone else can get use out of them. ❤❤


Hey Madelaine, as you know, there are only 24 hrs in a day.😅 I used to like cycling too but like you, have lost confidence on the roads. Recently I decided to get rid of my panniers - they were so gross as had been lying in the garage. Felt bad as someone could have been using them. Anyway, I cleaned them & gave them away.
Great video xx❤🍁


I've commented before that my weight tends to yo-yo, and for some reason i also really struggled to buy fitting undergarments after gaining! I finally bit the bullet and bought a dozen or so pairs of undies and a few bras, and it was such a game changer. i didnt really just how uncomfortable it was to squeeze into my old sets, and i found I even ruined a couple bras by stretching them out. Just a couple weeks ago i bought a sports bra in my current size and it made me so much more comfortable during my work outs. Buying new (with tags) bras off poshmark can be great if you know what brand works for you. I saved so much money, since bras are so expensive! Of course, i buy undies new but they're worth the expense.


Love love your gorgeous home feature in period homes magazine, what a surprise ❤


You could try wearing that white top backwards - tie in the back!
