Thor vs Jay Garrick. Thor vs flash #marvel #thor #flash #speedforce #jaygarrick #edit

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To those who say Thor wins,

Listen up, cuz I'm about to drop some knowledge on you that's gonna make your little Asgardian heart cry. 💀

The Flash (with all the forces) could wipe the floor with Thor any day of the week. 🧹

Here's just a sampling of what the Flash can do:

Create multiverses, destroy multiverses, erase anyone from existence. 💥💀

He has also erased people from existence, including Eobard Thawne, his greatest enemy.

Travels in time has infinite strength, controls time, and knows the future and every possible outcome for him to win. ⏳

The Flash can travel through time at will, and he can even go back in time and change the past.

He has infinite strength, which means he can lift anything and anyone, no matter how heavy.

He can also control time, which means he can slow down time, speed up time, or even stop time altogether.

And he knows the future, which means he knows every possible outcome of a fight before it even happens.

Manipulate reality, vibrate at the frequency of air (phasing), have infinite speed, and teleport. 🤯

The Flash can manipulate reality to his will, which means he can create anything he can imagine.

He can also vibrate at the frequency of air, which allows him to phase through objects.

He has infinite speed, which means he can move faster than the speed of light.

And he can teleport, which means he can instantly move from one place to another.

Travel anywhere by the Speed Force, travel whenever by the Still Force. ⚡

The Speed Force is a dimension of pure energy that allows the Flash to travel at super speed.

The Still Force is a dimension of pure stillness that allows the Flash to stop time.

Resurrect (he died and got resurrected in the show, so don't say it's fake). 💀🔃💀

Create swords, shields, rods, anything he imagines with his lightning. ⚡🗡🛡

The Flash can create anything he imagines with his lightning, including swords, shields, and rods.

**Throw lightning, become immortal if Iris or his friends weren't there (I hate when "love" just makes the character underrated like WTF!!).**⚡💀

The Flash can throw lightning bolts that can kill people, and he can also become immortal if Iris or his friends aren't there.

Has better tech, thinks at superspeed, becomes invisible, and super punches (more infinite strength.

The Flash has access to advanced technology that gives him an edge in a fight.

He can also think at superspeed, which gives him a huge advantage in a battle of wits.

He can also become invisible and use super punches, which can deliver devastating blows to his opponents.

Burst lightning everywhere (basically lightning explosion). 💥⚡

The Flash can create powerful lightning explosions that can level entire cities.

**Access the Speed Force, Still Force, Sage Force, Strength Force, and Negative Speed Force.**⚡⚡

The Flash has access to all four forces, which makes him one of the most powerful beings in the DC Universe.

The Speed Force:
The source of the Flash's powers. It allows him to move at superspeed, vibrate at the frequency of air, and phase through objects. It is also the source of all speed in the universe, so if the Flash wanted to, he could cut off Thor's access to speed and leave him completely powerless.

The Still Force:
The force is responsible for time. It allows the Flash to control time, travel through time, and even outrun time itself. This means that he could easily speed-blitz Thor before he even had a chance to react.

The Sage Force:
The force of knowledge and understanding. It allows the Flash to access all knowledge in the universe, and to even rewrite reality itself. This means that he could outsmart Thor and defeat him with a single thought.

The Strength Force:
The force of power and might. It allows the Flash to increase his strength to infinite levels, and to even create force fields. This means that he could easily overpower Thor in a physical fight.

The Negative Speed Force:
The dark side of the Speed Force. It allows the Flash to travel through time backward, and even create negative speed mirages. This means that he could completely mess with Thor's mind and make him think that he was fighting someone else.
The Flash has access to all four forces, which makes him one of the most powerful beings in the DC Universe. 💯

So there you have it, Thor fanboy., The Flash would wipe the floor with Thor in a fight, no contest. 💀

Cry about it. 😂


Did I mention that the Flash can also steal speed from other speedsters? 😈

Thor fanboy, you are BEGGING for a beating. 💀

Just give up now and save yourself the embarrassment.


Ну что заступился за папу молодец барец


Извини но бред
Ни первый ни второй флеш не убьет тора
Спидстеры очень переоценены
Вот как они убьют супа, черного Адама, тора как?


Первый это кто? А так согласен со флэшом
