Debussy in Pictures - Nino Gvetadze

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Nino Gvetadze

I have been waiting for the moment to record Debussy 's music for some time.
While playing his pieces I had the urge to keep playing, to keep discovering the
colors, the touch, almost trying to reach for a perfection, which of course is not
possible; and the further I went, the deeper I looked, I kept discovering endless
possibilities for fantasy, and the images flew one after another into my head.
I did not want my next CD to be just the next CD; I wanted to do something
useful and as we are often discussing the lack of classical music education
among children and young people, I decided to do something about it from
my side and organized workshops mostly for children, but also for adults.
I decided that the best way for me to awaken musical interest in children, to
really lead them through music, was via drawings, so I asked them to close
their eyes, to listen to the sound, rhythm, harmony, melody and imagine what
would it look like if this piece was a drawing or a painting. Debussy 's music was
perfect for this project, as he gives you endless space for imagination. The
result was unexpected even for me, the enthusiasm that I saw in my young
public's eyes and the range of fantasy was truly amazing.
I worked with more than 200 children and received more than 200 beautiful
drawings. I may not have changed the world, but at least I opened the doors
to music to some kids and I hope they will follow the route to this beautiful
Muse throughout the years.

Nino Gvetadze
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A lovely person and a great musician. Her recent Debussy CD contains some highly sensitive and imaginative playing.
Would love to hear her in recital.


Nino's rendition of Beethoven's Piano Concerto No 4 is in one word . Brilliant:)


And to think your first children-painting-music concert was at the Grachtenfestival!  What a beautiful new project! 


Dear Nino, it is nice...I myself try to play to an autistic Child from my friend in order to reach him and to make him possible to find a chanel to open himself and concentrate him besser....I open piano then and start showing him how it functions and it seems piano is for him kind of fascination...
