Understand Africa Borders and its Future Mega City

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Africa is growing fast, in term of population, economy, and urbanization. The question is "where will be the largest African cities". In order to answer this question, we had to access all the variable especially "why cities grow", "where city grow", "what is need to build a city", and "why all the cities are in the same area".
We will asses all those questions, and then find the most suitable answer.
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Johannesburg is landlocked in the interior of SA... but it developed thanks to the gold rush. Great video none the less


This channel is valuable, and its almost weird how little views there are. Im gonna sound ignorant, but it is ment as curiostity and to learn.
It is really easy to find negatives about Africa, and as an outsider it is so vast aswell so all places in Africa kind of gets lumped together and it feels like work to distingish the different parts, and living conditions and such. I appreciate the way you give the info, you mention the bad and the good, and give insights as to why things are that way, these subjects are sensitiv and most people, i feel are blinded by either only knowing the bad parts, and some i have seen blindly love africa and probably would take offense if someone asked a sensitive question, with that said, i myself have mostly gotten the bad sides, like immigration from Somali bringing very negative views, on women and such, like the rape crisis in Germany a few years ago, and i have been ignorant in the poverty aspect also, like it has felt like it is has always been talk about sending money, for like forever, and still like it hasnt progressed, and that brings me to stuff i want to ask.
Is Swahili gonna be the biggest language used? Is the Congo gonna be THE place of innovation and progress, like movies, food, welfare, tourism, universities with foreign students, modern music, their version of human rights, science and reseach, womans rights etc, like what language would unite the congo, which language would be dominant in their movies, tv shows and music, if foreign students come their to study then what language would they learn to get by over there? Will they have resources made for outsiders to be able to learn the language proper without being there? I want Africa and middle east to prosper, but i see a lot of problematic areas, and i dont see the process as specifically as people who live theyre, or are in that bubble.
Im asking you beqause you talk truth, and say logical stuff that hasnt to do with feelings, statistics, good, bad etc. Like i have no problem in mentioning bad stuff from the place i am from if i know that its based on reality, I do think you might get more views if you continue with giving good birds eye, and lift up those things that people like me dont get or dont even know about, your video popped up when i was searching about ”Africa superpower” or something like that.
Im also wondering this stuff beqause lately i have become intrested in languages, some languages more for entertainment and others as a tool and entertainment, and having a country from africa to choose would be nice to know of. If Congo is the future, then knowing this before hand its development takes off, then one could invest time in the present times instead of time after.
I have seen many times people say that coloniolism destroyed everything, and Africa hasnt recovered, theres truth there but was it all bad? For instance, is tvs, cellphones part of colonoism or was that later? What places are recovering and how would they do now if it didnt happen? Are there asians also in the biggest Congo city? is it beqause they have better relations with asia? Are you gonna talk about white people living in Africa? Theres many including myself that dont know that much about it, like Elon Musk.
Good job with the graphics in your videos.


You are good story teller and your knowledge is very impressive. Good job 👏


Wait Elizabeth was there?



Fascinating video, I didn't realize how enormous Kinshasa was.


4:05 "Reliable Energy Source."

Me, who lives in Cape Town South Africa with regular black outs:👁👄👁


U'r right but u forgot the most important thing of all PEACE. The problem with most Africa countries isn't resources but lack of peace


Joburg is landlocked but they basically use Durban as their port


So good brother! Could you make a video with your take on Covid, lockdowns and it’s effects on economy and education


Wait, look at east Africa. Look at Nairobi.. The biggest Lando locked city in Africa.


Congo River, not Zaïre because the river takes its name from the Kongo Kingdom ( made up of the two Congo, part of Gabon, Angola, ....)
