How and when to use Formic Pro

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Formic Pro (formerly known as Mite Away Quick Strips) is my favorite, go-to treatment for mites in the Summer and early Fall. It does not affect honey on the hive and kills mites even in capped brood (where 60-85% of mite are to be found) but this is a very strong treatment and must be used with care. Here are some of the ways to avoid possible problems.
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Thank you for some great information. I had formic pro from last year and put it in the freezer, saw somewhere that was not a good idea. Will use it when the temperature get closer to the range for at least three days. Last year we where hot and dry most of the summer so used OAV for 5 cycles every 3-4 days. I want the mites low now so they are strong going into fall getting ready for winter. Also the queens are laying less so the mites are getting more concentrated in the brood that is left.


enjoying all of your videos. I used formic pro starting the second week of July. I had 1 colony wash a 22 and another a 5. I did the 1 strip for 10 days then another for 10 days. It hit 90 but only after the first 3 or 4 days so it was fine. Both colonies are doing great, no queen issues. The 22 colony went down to 4 and the 5 colony went down to 1. pretty satisfied but I will be doing some oa treatment on the colony with 4 mites as well as my other 5 colonies that are just under the 6 threshold to get them through the summer.


Hi there Peter! Great practical series. Thank you. How has your experience been with Formic Pro relative to queen mortality assuming temperatures are in the proper range, front entrances are wide open and you use the 2 pads? You have a lot of hives…just wanted to get some sense of your experience on the larger scale. The last couple of years I have gone with a low dose, 1 pad treatment, but 2 successive treatments of 10 days. I have 16 single brood box hives with supers. Contemplating trying the single dose, 2 pad approach for 14 days. Thanks.


another questions
if your leaving it in for ten day i would assume that a cell is capped at day 6 and immerges at day 16 then the formic doesn't get under the capping at all but gets the mites as the emerge


Comments on breathing the fumes of Formic Pro and it's affect on your eyes. Thanks!


can you help me i am a new beekeeper and im very desperate, i tried yesterday this treatment an today i see 200 Bee dead or caroling on the ground, the temperature is right here in Ohio i don’t know what to do


is the percentage of acid the same as if i applied formic to a shop cloth in a plastic bag. would i get the same results do you think


Great video, I apologize for the redundancy of this question because uou even stated the temp for the first 3-5 days needs to not exceed 85. Here in Richmond va temps 7/31-8/5 are forecasted to be 84 or below. I don’t know about the forecast after 8/5. In the event that after day 6 the Temps go to 90-95, would it still be ok to use?


Over here in the UK we're not allowed to use Formic Pro with supers on


Hi Peter I have never used formic pro before and I have just gotten nukes 8 days ago should I use formic pro now or wait till they have been in hive longer ? I in west Paris maine thanks Peter


Could you tell us (me) about the thin covers you use that appear to be covered with (what?). Thanks so much!


Hi from Italy. I am going to use formic pro for my very first 2 hives. So far, spotted 1 varroa each family inside the trail on the bottom of the hive. Do you suggest or practice the 1 x 14 days / 2 strips application method or the 2 x 10 days / 1 strip each phase method? What is the criteria to decide?


Nice video. Do you have a preference for using one strip for 10 days, followed by a second 10 day strip, versus 2 strips for 14 days?


Cool man
How long do you leave it in?


Have you already removed honey supers?


Still waiting for my formic pro to come in from dadant. It’s been 3 weeks now. They are looking into it. Is their a shortage of that product?


I did a mite treatment on all my hives one died can I take the frames with dead brood and I put the in a big colonial and be alright


Can I treat with formic pro in April temperature are at Night about 40 plus day 60 plus or quick stripes or are the same?


The instructions say to remove queen excluder????


Do I have to take supers off for treatment?
