C7 Guitar Chord - C7 Chord Guitar Tutorial

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Welcome to my "How To Play The C7 Guitar Chord - C7 Chord Guitar" Tutorial. Just like with practically all other guitar chords, the C7 Guitar Chord Variations you want to add to your chord vocabulary depend on the style you prefer. In this tutorial though, we focus on the most commonly used approach to play this chord. It's a so called open C7 Guitar Chord.

From a technical perspective, all you need to do is to use the same finger position you would use in order to play a regular C7 on guitar. But now just add the pinky on to the D-String in the third fret and all of a sudden you got yourself a C7 Chord on guitar.

Now, there is obviously more to the story. If you are really interested what actually the C7, or more precisely, the C dominant seventh Guitar Chord is founded on, then I encourage you to read up on the little article below that explains the framework of the key of C.

The key of C is the blueprint key for all of the other keys. And remember, just like the master key to a building opens all the doors in the building, the key of C will the same thing for all other keys. It contains the ingredients or the rules that are universal for music -- that is, European music.
There are many different types of scales around the world, and if you're interested in those types of scales, please check out our exotic section, or our musical oddities section, as we call it -- a general strangeness going on in there, but very interesting never the less, which you can help to integrate that into your playing.
So, key of C -- the key of c is the master key, so it's all the white keys on the piano, so it's really easy to map out the key of C. It's C, D, E, F, G, A, B -- that was real easy. The musical alphabet ends with G, and it just starts over again. So when it starts over, it just keeps going all the way up, and all the way down -- well, all the way up until you can't hear it anymore. A piano keyboard has 88 keys on it, and that's range of human hearing. Any higher and you're playing for dogs. So here we go.
Let's go ahead and start with the C chord. So as you know, C is down here. You've got your index finger in the 2nd string and on the 1st fret, and then the rest is history, right? Okay? A little technical difficulty there, my volume knob must've been turned down or something. Okay, I'm in G7. With G7 -- if you look G7, it's just kind of like a giant sea, you just throw everything out to the side. So you take what you did inside here and you move these two out, and then you move this one out to this side. So I just call it the giant sea.
And remember, seven chords have kind of a twangy, blues, backwoods type of sound to them, and just an f.y.i., you can exchange, you can or you can switch out any seven chord for any major chord if you want to do it, so say for instance if you're playing C and you want to spice it up a little bit, do the C7 version. See how that's a little -- it's a little more rock? And without it It's sort of just a straight square, you know, chord -- and sort of generic. Nothing wrong with generic, there's a time and a place for everything.
Okay, so we did G7, and then F. F is the dreaded chord. Nobody likes this chord and the reason why -- and I figured it out in my 15 years of teaching I finally figured it out - this here, we have to hold these two down with this finger, and some people just don't like this, and I know I didn't like it when I first started. And this finger here, the middle finger's here, and then you've got 2 others over here.

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Thanks for watching, happy strumming.
Dieter Ulrich Peise
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