What Are Your Current Thoughts on the Carnivore Diet? #ListenToTheSisson

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I eat mostly carnivore. Just a few low carb veggies and a green salad every other day or so. It's what works for me. I've lost 50 lbs on my journey. Walk 2 to 4 miles a day. I'm 73 and feel 30. On no meds. Great bloodwork too. Love your videos. Gonna eat this way the rest of my life. I forgot what bread, potatoes,and corn tasted like !!! And don't miss them a bit!


I'm basically carnivore with plants as I use spices, drink herbal tea, have some guacamole on my burger and some mushrooms on my steak. The meat is the food. The other stuff is decoration and flavor enhancements.


Yep, my entire outlook on diet has changed.
Retired vegetarian, now a heavy meat eater and never felt better.


This is a solid take. Open minded and clear about the fact that we don't really know much. I definitely think people react differently to these diets. It seems important for some and not important for others. Definitely keep an open mind and experiment.


Went from keto to now about 80% meatbased and feel much better. Absolutely no GI issues and recovery from intense workouts is very fast.


I'm almost completely carnivore. i only use plants to mix up the food. i use spices and a bit of tomato paste and such, to add more variety. I mostly eat beef, eggs and a bit of chicken.


Mark - I've been doing the same thing, mostly animal products and some plants. Definitely feeling a lot better than when I was doing the opposite.


I'm 31, been doing the carnivore diet for 6 weeks and it's been amazing. Allergies have disappeared, inflammation gone, haven't had a migraine ever since starting and I've lost 8kgs. I feel awesome and I've only been eating around 400-500grams of meat a day, don't need as much food as I thought. I Mainly eat ribeye, porter house and lamb rump steak with salt and water, that's it!! Everyone has to experiment with there own body and do what's best for them.


I've been keto for a little over a year now and just recently began zero carbs all meat with some exceptions coffee, nutritional yeast, and some spices. So far hungry went down to zero when I'm on keto it would've been 4 out of ten. Loving it so far.


Thank you for this short but wonderful video! 
And thank you for telling us that you no longer eat the "big ass salad" every day, which was certainly one of your big trade marks 😊
That's one of the things that I love about your posts, your open-ness about what you're doing with your n=1 processes/evolutions.
I think you WILL give the carnivore diet a 30-day try sometime in the near future, because you have a natural curiosity about these things. 
I hope you do it 'on the quiet' so you don't get hundreds of people throwing advice and critique at you the whole 30 days, and then present your results afterwards.


Mark, you have always been one of the biggest voices for good health and highly respected by many of us in the LC community. How about try 90 days of HF-carnivore nose to tail and let everyone know your thoughts? For me personally I switched from LCHF keto to HFC nose to tail and I must say I could not be happier with all of the results.


I'm 73 and a carnivor. I've never felt better. My health issues that I had are rapidly disappearing. Skin issues, weight issues, urination issues and others. I haven't had any wheat, grains or sugar (carbohydrates) for over a year. "Healthy whole grains" are definitely slow death.


I'm enjoying a diet of 100% grass fed vegetarians 🥩🥚🌞


I loved following a Primal diet but I'm definitely seeing some better results in the gym with carnivore. My stamina is a lot better and I rarely get any DOMS.


I eat paleo and carnivore intermittently depending how I feel but I do feel a lot lighter and sharper on my carnivore weeks. Great tools both diets


Sipping on bone broth is a good source of collagen for me. I also enjoy grilled salmon and chicken skin.


What ever you are eating, keep it up. You look better than I've seen you in 12 years. I tried Paleo, keto and veganism. Now carnivore for 18 months and I have never felt better.


"plant toxins" I'm just a bystander, I'm not a carnivore or vegan. But it's hilarious to see how they are talking about each other's diets.


meats, good quality organ meats, seafoods, and eggs. Nutritious! Wild caught is primo. Dairy is no good unless its raw.


I never even realised those connective parts of the chicken I love to eat had health benefits. Love chicken and salmon skin as well.
