Why Women Can't Find REAL Love... | Scott Galloway

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Scott Galloway provides a deep analysis on the forces influencing modern romance, highlighting the challenges faced by modern women in the wake of growing socio-economic gender disparities.

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Truth be told it goes beyond just mediocre guys. And guys making minimum wage. I’m an airline pilot making well into six figures and financially free. In decent shape as well. It’s virtually impossible for even me to get a date on an app with even a girl who is unemployed.


Society: you dont meet the requirements to play this game

Men: ok then i wont play this game

Society: no you cant do that


An unemployed 32 year old mom whose baby daddy left her in her early 20s has told me straight up she settled for her current husband because of her son. Her husband is a hardworking engineer and they don't have a child between the two. The man is working to feed and take care of her unemployed ass and a kid who isn't even his and the woman was thinking she settled instead of worshipping the man for saving her life. After hearing her, I knew there's no hope.


As a senior, I’m surprised that so many older women, well past their own prime, are still expecting to be wined and dined like they’re 22 years old.


I went out with some female colleagues a few weeks ago. One of them hadn't seen the other in a while and asked her about her boyfriend. Girl B mentioned she broke up with him, and girl A replied with "oh he seemed so nice". Girl B replied "yeah he was pretty much perfect: kind, handsome, successful, supportive... But I got bored with him". Girl B then mentioned she's dating a new guy who is also seemingly perfect. Girl A asks her if she thinks this new guy is "the one" and girl B replied "no, this won't last. I'm starting to get bored with this one also" and girl A replies "I get you". Both these women are in their 30s. I thought to myself, having recently been dumped, "being a perfect guy, checking all the boxes doesn't matter anymore with modern women... Why bother?". No wonder things like passport Bros exist.


I'm sure everyone would laugh at me if I said I would only date a woman who is a literal supermodel with the personality of a comedian and the cooking skills of Rachel Ray. What these women are saying is the same equivalent 😂


Im 60, in the best shape of my life, have a good job, my own place decent car. After years of failed relationships and a marriage im single and i love it. No dating sites, no chasing women, do what i want when i want buy whatever i want. Done with the whole dating and relationship world and im happier than i ever was when i was in a relationship.


"You can have it all, you just can't have it all at once" bless this man, I have been saying that for years.


I know quite a few career women like this. The problem is that they're a nightmare to be with in a relationship with behaviour traits that might serve them well in the business / corporate world but are completely toxic in an intimate relationship.


The correct answer is to stop teaching our children that life is a fairytale and that prince charming isn't coming to sweep you off your feet and make your life perfect. We should be teaching them that life is difficult and you aren't going to get everything you work for. So you need to prioritize the important things and if you get the bonus things that just a bonus. We also need to teach everyone that happiness is your personal problem, if you want to be happy you have to make yourself happy. Too many people rely on their partners for their happiness.


I've been with her for 35 years & she has been unfaithful twice (that I know of). Since giving birth when she looks at me it feels like she is saying I could have done better. Prior to having kids she gave me 10 years of awesome so in my opinion post-pregnancy hormones (postpartum depression) destroyed our relationship. I'm just a typical married man hanging on because of the phrase: It's Cheaper to Keep Her. An emotionally unstable woman can take all the joy out of a man's life.


Half the married men sleep alone and never get sex. So think of that before you marry. Do you want to end up in a divorce?


I’m married now but when I was younger and single I often noticed a strange double standard in the way men and women spoke about the opposite sex. A woman would say “I wish I could meet a decent guy…there just aren’t any out there” and her comment would often be validated by other people…older men, women of all ages, cultural “authorities, ” etc. No man would dare say “I wish I could meet a decent girl..there just aren’t any out there.” No one would validate that comment. Furthermore people would be all over him telling him to get his sh*t together and the right woman would appear.


About a decade ago when I was just out of Uni and online dating was still relatively new, a friend of mine said that the problem with it was that a guy who is a 9 will go home with a girl who is a 7, because someone to go home with is better than nobody. This leads the girl who is a 7 to believe she should be aiming for (I hesitate to use the term 'entitled to') a relationship with a 9, resulting in multiple dissapointments when the 9's drop them. He said he thought the top slice of men were cleaning up, and girls were developing an unhealthy dislike of men. I have to admit, I thought he was just someone who wasn't having much success online being bitter. Fast-forward a decade and there's a wealth of research and data to show he was onto something. For 99%+ it isn't working. Bizarre how online dating continues to grow despite this.


As a married woman I have my own opinion on this. Everyone is isolated and the only way you can meet someone nowadays seems to be social media. There was a study I read about how men are much more attractive to women when interacting in person. Women are way more critical when they are basing their attraction on a photo. I know there are lots of guys I wouldnt have noticed on an app, but I found them super attractive in person.


Im 6'4. Have a good job. Average looking. Have my own car, pay my own bills, study part time as a pilot. Im dark and exotic, I speak Spanish, live in first world country, can talk about almost any topic, im good at flirting... I have a bachelors career. And I don't get any attention, or just the minimum. Its not the 10% woman are looking for a Unicorn. Less than 1%. Its the social media that spoiled everything for everyone.


Thank you for addressing the “rage”. There’s 7 million men in the US right now that wouldn’t care if it burnt to the ground today. That’s an awful truth. An awful truth that’s only gonna grow. What happens when it hits 10 million men? 20 million? Who’s gonna stop this trend? Who even CARES to stop this trend?


"The key to a healthy marriage is low expectations". I would also say that you should avoid giving yourself too many options or choices. The key to painting a masterpiece is not to fool yourself into believing that you have to travel to the ends of the earth to find a scene worthy enough to paint. Many of the world's most beautiful artworks were painted just a stone's throw from the painter’s home. How often have we marvelled at a painting depicting the most mundane of subjects and be utterly moved by its simplicity. We have lost the power to be moved by simple things because we are always looking and looking for something better and not able to truly see what is in front of us. We are never satisfied.


Minimum wage is not the problem but the cost of housing is the biggest problem. The question is why has housing gone up so much more than our wages.


I really feel that, if you are single and looking for a partner, you should do everything you can to meet a variety of new potential partners in person (and not online). The reason I say this is there are so many wonderful people who don't appear as wonderful when seen on a screen. You don't see a person's real personality or potential until you've spent time with them. Also, your "criteria" for who you want to be with changes as you meet and interact with others. Dating or spending time with a variety of people (even those who don't fit your current standards) really allows you to understand what makes you happy in a partner...that criteria changes with time and experiences.
