Newton 2.0: The New Theory of Gravity That Could Solve the Mystery of Dark Matter
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In this video, we explore the fascinating idea of Newton 2.0, a new theory of gravity that challenges traditional scientific understanding of the universe. While Newtonian mechanics can explain the behaviour of objects at small cosmic scales, it falls short when it comes to larger galaxies. Dark matter was proposed to address this problem, but with no evidence for dark matter particles, Israeli scientist Mordehai Milgrom put forward a different approach: Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND). MOND suggests that gravity at lower accelerations is stronger than Newton’s model implies, introducing the concept of the "external field effect" which includes the gravitational pull from all other masses in the universe. Recent evidence of this external field has been detected in 153 disc galaxies, which suggests that MOND might be a new way forward. Tom Złosnik and Constantinos Skordis of the European Institute for Cosmology and Fundamental Physics have further developed this concept with RelMOND, a theory that adds an omnipresent field to general relativity that behaves differently depending on spatial conditions. In this video, we dive deep into the science behind Newton 2.0, RelMOND, and the possibilities it presents for our understanding of the universe.