GEMINI Temper || 6 Things that Make them Furious

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Typically, the Air sign Gemini has a relaxed and cheerful deposition. They are playful and funny but don't misjudge their furious side behind their laughable face. Their anger can be as devastating as a tornado.

However, they don't do any materialistic damage. Instead, they shatter your soul at the core with their hurtful words. In a fury, they scream and shout so loudly that you feel terrified.

Based on Gemini Sun Sign
#ZodiacTalks #Gemini

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As a Gemini I can say that people get on my nerve. I feel that I have a gift to understand human stupidity.


Gemini here. ♊️ Over many years, I’ve done a lot of spiritual work on myself, learning to manage the “dark ” side better via meditation and mental focus. If you do this Gems, and learn to hold your tongue more, you’ll be able to read people even better. (We’re already very intuitive) At this stage in my life, I rarely allow my temper to overtake me, so I usually don’t resort to yelling, because that only makes me look bad, but my words are often devastating, as I cut right to the truth, and can outtalk, overcome most with my logic. And I see it hurts them. (They always start it-I’m most happy, being happy and kind, so I get mad when I allow someone to take me there.
So no need to yell, or stay mad. I just get my point across.
If someone is more knowledgeable than me on a topic, I’m willing to take direction, as long as they’re respectful about it, but I tend to know more than a lot of people around me, however people often underestimate my intelligence. Maybe it’s because I look a lot younger than my age-I’ve been told. I’m also super sweet, but since when does that equal lack of knowledge?
I’ve imagined destroying property in the distant past, but by the time the opportunity arose, I wasn’t mad anymore and the fall out didn’t seem worth it. Lol


I am a Gemini ♊
And these things are true. Especially, that our anger is the same as Aries ♈ but not destructive


Being a Gemini we are pretty easy goin and charismatic but get us to that point we don't back down


Sixth is true. I don't like being told what to do.

PS: I can get physical if people are too much. Not all Geminis use words only, some lay hands.


As a Libra man I me a gemini woman they are my soul mate ☺️so to all my Gemini woman 👋


We don't waste it breath being angry, because to us it's like "you're not worth the paper work" but if you give me a reason to be angry like, if you threaten my friends or family, or me, I will not hold back until I strike blood and someone would have to stop me. I'm not afraid of anything, and usually that's why I'm quite lippy and can talk back to anyone (even my boss). Lol 🤭🤭 but actually I'm really nice and thus far, no one but my own brother saw me become 99% angry 😁 I simmer my temper quickly ☺😆👍


As a Gemini I would rather someone give me brutal honesty than comfort me with excuses and/or lies. When ignored or blocked without any warning whatsoever, do I get mad? Sure, but I become more on the lines of "disappointed/heartbroken" depending on the person and/or situation. When said person or people do eventually come back, I would (very cautiously) welcome them into my space. HOWEVER, there will some SOLID boundaries put in place and if they leave me again without ANY warning then they can stay gone for good. Silence is actually extremely painful to me.


As a Gemini ♊️ myself everything he said is 100% with me


Wow😅❤ so true as a Gemini i can say i hate control and being ignored.we are very loving and calm we have a big heart but damn that temper when you piss us off is insane😂😂


Im a Gemini ♊ if you want me to do something then ask me to do it don't tell me to.


The Gemini I like is very sweet, loves attention and I love to pay attention to them. I always feel if I do anything to offend them, I would like them to tell me. I accept constructive criticism. I care about them very much and only want them to be happy.


You can tell a Gemini what to do as long as you can back it up with logic.


I’m nice to everyone, just understand and respect me.


Yes. I can see myself to some degree with all of these. I can really see myself in number 2 tho. I mean, I don't get mad very easily, but it really does irritate me when people ignore me or even go as far as to block me on their socials with no warning or reasoning. The way my Gemini mind works is I can't figure out a way to adapt to what's going on with you if you are not being open and telling me what's going on with you. I never have any intention to bother people but people just have to let me know when it gets to that point.


Am a Gemini ♊️ no take telling from nobody am my own boss


As a Gemini this is true. I'm taking notes on you and I will hurt your soul if you try and hurt me.


I met alot of Gemini's and they are wild.


The video is right on the money! I grew up with 3 Geminis and 1Gemini-Cusp people in my family; they had Epic, sometimes violent, fights with each other for more than 25 years until one of them passed during the Pandemic. The Geminis in my family are increbily domineering at work, at social settings and in close relationships. They LOVE to give advice and direction, , but if you dare to express your opinions or warn them about something, they get defensive quickly. During my childhood and teenage years, I avoided them the best I could and said nothing whenever they were around.


A lot of people challenge me and fail, im a Gemini
