Corona Heat Time invariance violation=Noncommutative electroweak Hall= Costa de Beauregard & Kervan

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Topological interaction of neutrino with photon in a magnetic field — Electroweak Hall effect
Article Aug 2023 by Kenzo Ishikawa Yutaka Tobita
As further concerns the gravitational coupling of a spin −1/2 particle, see O. Costa de Beauregard, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 307 (s´erie II) (1988) 457.
The electroweak scheme is wholly recast, in the framework of a relativistic quantum field formalism being a covariant fermion–antifermion extension of the usual one for massive spin-1/2 point fermions.
"Therefore the c~ operation, particle-antiparticle exchange, does not display at first sight explicit Lorentz invariance.
This situation somewhat resembles the one existing for momentum and
energy conservation before the advent of the "manifestly covariant" quantum
electrodynamics of Tomonaga, Schwinger, Feynman, and Dyson. Then, the
accepted formalism displayed momentum, 'but not energy, conservation, in
the emission or absorption of virtual particles, "
Costa de Beauregard admitted the foundation of reality is NOT invariant!!
Costa de Beauregard, O. (1982). MPT versus : A manifestly covariant presentation of motion reversal and particle-antiparticle exchange. Foundations of Physics, 12(9), 861–871. doi:10.1007/bf01884997
So then Costa de Beauregard creates a "prequantal relativity" to try to restore the symmetric invariance he first realizes is not there!
"An overview of the integer quantum Hall effect is given. A mathematical frame-
work using noncommutative geometry as defined by Connes is prepared. "
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yes at that same Environmental Geography class - a big university class around 1993 - I asked for donations for the Rainforest Trust Fund or something - to conserve the Amazon rainforest. Of course poor students did not donate. And our UW-Greens group was targeted by the FBI. My activist mentor, John E. Peck, Ph.D. executive director of Family Farm Defenders told me that they did a FOIA request in the mid-90s and the FBI had 900 pages on a couple dozen activists in Madison Wisconsin. Why? We protested with banners on the streets and did petition drives? hahaha. Wrote letters and did research and went to conferences. I was even written up in some private report on Eco-Tourists - as one of 12 top ecoterrorist suspects - from the early 2000s - and the report called me a "habitual" and "Multisector activist" - as if practicing your Bill of Rights makes you a terrorist! hilarious. Anyway now Mother Nature is taking revenge big time.
We are all hard-wired into civliization - literally our LEft-Brain dominance is mass mind control that cut us off from Nature! hahaha. I realized we were doomed by 1996 and by 2000 I trained to see what is after death - so I Know ghosts are real for example. I trained from Chunyi Lin of Spring Forest Qigong, a Taoist alchemy yoga master spiritual healer who works with the Mayo Clinic doctors.
Yes humans did have spiritual healing as required by ALL males - training in the San Bushmen original human culture from 200, 000 years ago! That's when the DNA evidence now shows the split with the Pygmie culture occurred and they both have that same spiritual training - only the San Bushmen is older and the training more intense (and they're still around today!). Science has been a great tool to reverse-engineer our past as humans and to physically explore reality but science at the same time as destroyed life on Earth as biological annihilation. So there's some deep hangups about science - like increasing gravitational entropy and not understand what time is and not understanding what consciousness is and ignoring the ecological crisis - as science makes it worse. We think science will save us yet science caused the problem - actually it developed from patriarchal farming as hierarchical war cultures worldwide with the Holocene..


Hey Void, I'm totally not a math or physics guy....I am a music guy. But no theory really besides knowing generally what key I'm playing in lol. What in your opinion is consciousness is it fundamental and from what or how or why does it arise or exist? In non math phys terms if you could, for my intuitive/right brain.


. " This reaction involves the change of proton to neutron via the well documented transformation put out by Pauli and Enrico Fermi in the early 20th century now known in Gauge neutrons will produce them. And a check of the nearest stars to our corner of the universe will produce other insights into seasonal variance among other things for those in the know...The neutrino, however, is highly unreactive with ordinary
