1 Peter 3 (Part 1) :1-7 • Harmony In Marriage

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Thank you. This is very helpful for my marriage of 20 years. My husband has never taken spiritual leadership in our marriage and I have been struggling with how to handle it. He did not grow up with any Christian influence and I did AND I’ve completely fallen in love with Jesus the past 2 years so there’s a great divide in our marriage now. I watch videos like this and read my Bible and he watches Tik Tok videos. He’s a good and hard working man just not close to Jesus or biblically knowledgeable at all. It’s a struggle. I pray for him and don’t nag him (well not much) or preach to him but it’s hard for me to know what we can do together, our interests are very different. Great message!


My husband and I love your channel. We are grateful for your teaching. Thank you .
The Wilkins


Thank you Pastor Paul. God bless you and Calvary chapel


Thank you, all praise to our wise and wonderful God. I so wish I had been raised a Christian and been one when I was married (my ex-husband been one as well). God's truths are so needed in this world; the heartaches we could avoid and the genuine joy we could experience instead... So thankful Jesus saved me and I repented. God bless you both and Happy Mother's Day to Sue. Well, to you both (since marrying a woman who is mother to your children is a blessing for the husband as well). 🙂


I just wanna Give our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth Thanks for leading me to this video for a timely message through the wisdom of the Holy Ghost from the Lords available vessel. I will make it right in the eyes of God and my husband. I thank God for grace and mercy. Shalom.


Praise God for you publicizing this much needed teaching. There is safety in Scriptural counseling. I am so grateful! I cried, I laughed, and I was helped. Thank you!


Thank you for being faithful to the Amen and Amen


Wonderful teaching, Pastor Paul, as usual. You are a treasure to me. God bless you for following your calling. Thank you. ❤ 9/18/24


superb teaching Pastor thank you and God bless you and your dear wife Sue.
Gilly wife of Mark


Thank you Pastor Paul, I needed to hear this straight to my heart not just my mind, to my all. JT


I cant stop here. I'm about to watch part 2


Great teaching Pastor, very informative. ❤️


Such depth of wisdom and understanding


When a young man gets married, I sometimes tell him, "Congratulations, you are now the high priest of the family".


Thank you Pastor Paul for your teaching. I have been learning a lot about the Bible through these sermons! as a note: I don’t think it is a fact that women make better leaders (re the statement at the beginning that women make better leaders and that’s a fact). Sometimes us women are good at leading as long as we do it under the guidance of the Lord. There are plenty of places women can lead—eg in a women’s bible study, an academic study as a PI, leading a group of singers. But sometimes men are better leaders. Gods beautiful plan for marriage is unpacked throughout this message 😊 but overall we all just gotta be careful to not promote the “women are better” message that our culture sells. We would never say “men make better leaders and that’s a fact.”

Anyhow, i appreciate the message and I hope more women can experience the blessing of submitting to their husbands leadership and watching God work through that. Submission leads to knowing God in a special way that trying to dominate can never reveal. Truly submission is an act of faith that says Lord I trust your ways over my ways. And man. I have benefitted so much from listening to my husband when he said “don’t do that” and I listened. Even when my flesh was having a fit haha I am grateful for when the Lord gave me the grace to submit. And I have some regrets about when I did not listen to the loving warnings of my husband. Let us as women empower our husbands leadership and see what God will do!


I so enjoy your podcasts....and, listen to them daily with my Bible study.
I have a prayer request:
Would pray that the people who have been tracking me for months now....will be brought to justice....that the crimes they are committing will be brought to light?
I get followed EVERYWHERE I go....please pray.

I appreciate your ministry; thank you.


and yes husbands.. your wifey knows lol... great teaching thank you Holy Spirit for bringing the Word


I still laugh at a comment I read on YouTube once " women go to such great lengths to preserve a corpse"! I still think of that and laugh. I am glad the Lord will renew mine when it is time!


Please answer a question for me. How can a woman remain quiet when her boyfriend/husband cheats on her? Is she supposed to just zip her lips and be in peace?


some men take advantage of being leadership of the relationship. They take advantage of weakness in woman
