Fun Facts about Snow Leopards - Kids Education with KZ Learning

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In these videos, you will learn about all the zoo animals and their world. The videos are made out of videos and images to explain the animal more in an easy way to kids so that they learn about all the wild animals in the world in a fun way.

In this particular video, you will about Snow Leopards.

You will explore how and where they live, what their sizes, and what are their types. Essentially, Snow leopards are beautiful and rare big cats. They are very furry and live in snowy mountains. They are very shy, mysterious animals that look very cute, but like all other big cats, they can be deadly.

Snow leopards have thick white, yellow and gray fur with dark gray or black spots. They have small and round face. It has a long, thick tail and big paws, to stop it from sinking into the snow.

Snow leopards are small for big cats. The males are much bigger than the females. Snow leopards weigh 120 pounds, which is the size of a small adult human. At their shoulder they are about 24 inches tall but, they are almost 5 feet long!

The fur of a snow leopard is not just beautiful but, it is useful too. The fur of a snow leopard is soft and very thick to help protect it from the cold. It can even grow as long as 5 inches. It’s pattern helps to camouflage it while it stalks it’s prey.

The tail of a snow leopard is much thicker than other big cats. The length and the thickness of their tail help them to balance while running. They will also use their tail like a scarf to keep them warm at night!

Snow leopards live in places not many other animals are brave enough to live. They live high in the mountains where it is very rocky and very cold. Lots of cliffs and crevices make these places dangerous to live. Most of them live in China, but can be found in other countries in Central Asia.

Some small animals are brave enough to live in cold, rocky areas too. They are all in danger from snow leopards. Wild goats and sheep are the main animals that are hunted, but rats and hares are also prey. However, when they are really hungry and can't find food, they sometimes have to eat grass and plants.

Snow leopards are dangerous hunters. They can hunt animals three times their own size. Snow leopards hunt their prey by stalking it until they are close enough to pounce. They will also steal animals from farms to eat.

The way snow leopards eat is pretty strange! Instead of eating their prey all in one go, they will stay near it and only eat a bit every few hours. It can take them up to 4 days to eat their kill. Because they don't need to eat a lot and they eat so slowly, they only need to hunt less than once a week.

Snow leopards don’t sleep out in the open like most cats do. It's probably too cold to do that. Instead, they will find a cave to curl up in. They don't care when they sleep and will sleep during the middle of the day or night.

Snow leopards don't do much! They don't need to eat very often and like to be alone. If it's an eating day, they will spend the entire day eating! Otherwise, they will spend their time hiding away and resting.

Some snow leopards are nocturnal, which means that they sleep during the day and hunt at night. This is because in some places, they can’t find food to hunt and, need to steal animals from farms instead. They need to hunt these animals at night to stop humans from seeing them.

Snow leopards are always moving making them nomadic animals. They usually stay within their own territory though. They leave markings as they go to make sure other snow leopards don’t move in!

Unlike other big cats, snow leopards don't roar, rather they remain quiet most of the time. They communicate to each other by purring, hissing, growling or moaning. To warn other snow leopards, they mark their territory by scratching the ground and urinating on rocks.

Snow leopards babies are called cubs. Like all other cats, when they are born with, they can't open their eyes! This means the mother has to look after them the whole time and feeding them her milk. They can start eating other animals when they are 2 months old, but don't learn to hunt for another month.

Baby snow leopards grow up so quickly! They leave home when they are only 2 years old, and will start having their own cubs when they are 3 or 4! Sadly, they don't live very long in the wild because it's a very hard life. In captivity they can live until they are 20 years old.

The tough conditions where they live means that there aren't many other animals around. This includes predators! Even the cubs are safe from other animals! Snow leopards are easily the biggest and most dangerous animals around.

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