4 Natural Alternatives To Adderall, Vyvanse and Ritalin

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Have you ever heard of Adderall?

This medication is very popular in the USA, and is typically prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Since it acts as a nervous system stimulant, it has been widely abused and is a cause of addiction. Due to this, it’s highly controlled, and can only be bought with a prescription.

However, several teenagers take these pills illegally, as a way to improve their physical and mental productivity.

Also known as the “Good-Grade Pill”, Adderall has become popular among students since it increases brain activity, leaves you feeling more alert, and helps you concentrate for longer.

Although its benefits do seem very desirable, Adderall’s list of side-effects is long, and includes increased probability of diseases such as schizophrenia.

The largest risk associated to Adderall is addiction, which requires a rehabilitation process very similar to the ones used to treat addictions to other drugs.

There are also risks related to vital organs such as your heart, due to its stimulating effect.

As you can see, the unnecessary use of this medication comes with several health risks, which end up cancelling out the benefits.

So, we gathered 4 natural alternatives that can help you increase your focus, concentration, and even calm your nerves.

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Luckily it's only several students


I have a bottle of Tryptophan right here. It’s perfect when you’re sad, hopeless, and spiraling. But it makes me like I’m not motivated to do anything.


Imma adhd person who uses ritalin since 2018 and I had never an speed drug like experience but it makes me sleepy, calm and being able to sit down couple of hours.


They couldv been specific about what to get.. you named the chemical.. where can you get


None of these will give you anywhere NEAR the cognitive benefits Vyvanse or Adderall.
If you have ADD, have a tough major, I think people should talk to their doctor for help. I was prescribed Vyvanse, and I think a healthy diet, and a good sleep schedule is what will have you working at your peak. The healthy diet is what will be hard since appetite goes away, but once you create a habit of a good one, you should be fine.


Sadly, I know a lot of people on Adderall, and some of them definitely abuse it. About 10 years ago when I was 22, I tried one from a friend and for about 5 hours straight, I felt like superwoman and had zero appetite. So, I can see how people get addicted to it. But, once it wore off, I had the worst headache of my life! One of my good friends is an actress in LA and she said a lot of actresses use it to stay skinny and some even snort it! It really is crazy so thanks for shining light on this with your video!


The best medicine is just a healthy diet. We are so deficient in nutrient these days. Grow some of your own food in nutrient rich soils, and you will FEEL the difference every day in your health and wellbeing. Good healthy food, a well balanced diet, staying active and getting good sleep. The best way to feel better is to live your every day life in a healthy way, and make that your #1 priority. FOOD is medicine.


Tryptophan may makes you tired!Do you want more focus you take tyrosin, better memory with ginko and better recovery from mental stress with lecithin and fish.
Do you want relaxation and more strength and energie to take magnesium also potassium(1-3g/Day).


if a person truly has add/adhd there is no speedy effect. ...


I heard Cocoa and stopped the video...like "tired of using stimulants, drink OJ!"


What type of cocoa is good and also should we eat it powdery off tablespoons or make it into hot chocolate?


Where can I buy adderall? Trying to stop my friend from buying....


Way to go starting with a boat load of all the negative talk about the drug. What a waste of time.


We know what it does! You don’t have to explain for half the video!


Thank You!!! We need more natural cures !!


Very helpful... NOT!!! And where do I get this stuff to try instead of being on Adderall for how much ever longer I’ll be on it. I’m 32 and I’ve been on it since I was 6. I can thank my mom.


I think I'll wait until AFTER the video to subscribe (or not)!!!


This is propaganda. How can use be "unnecessary" if it is used without prescription for precisely the same purpose it would be prescribed for? I wonder how many preachy professionals who make these kinds of videos used Adderall to get where they are today?


what about qat or kaht its natural and has exactly the same effect that adderall has


I dont care, i need some pills not food .
