The Impact of Technology on Culture | SHANKAR UPRETI | TEDxDWIT College

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The talk describes how the technology can have profound impact on the cultures around us Mr. Uprety founded Hamro Patro in 2010 to keep track of the local calendar and has since turned it into a must-have super-app.
The application founded as a hobby project has helped Nepalis abroad keep track of the Nepali calendar (a Hindu lunisolar calendar that is generally 57 years ahead of the Gregorian version), including dates of cultural or religious significance.
The calendar app has since grown into a super-app for millions of Nepalis who rely on it for about 25 different services, including a Gregorian-to-Nepali calendar converter, astrological natal charts, news, radio, mobile top-ups, remittance, and, most recently, telehealth.
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I find this video to be highly educational and would like to request permission to use it as a resource for my Comparative Study course at Universitas Terbuka, to enrich our discussions on the intersection of technology and culture.
