Liberalism and the LGBT Movement: Rio Veradonir

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Quillette is an Australian-based online magazine that focuses on long-form analysis and cultural commentary. It is politically non-partisan, but relies on reason, science, and humanism as its guiding values.

Quillette was founded in 2015 by Australian writer Claire Lehmann. It is a platform for free thought and a space for open discussion and debate on a wide range of topics, including politics, culture, science, and technology.

Quillette has gained attention for publishing articles and essays that challenge modern heterodoxy on a variety of topics, including gender and sexuality, race and identity politics, and free speech and censorship.


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The Gays are really different now.
The 90’s with grunge dance music and all the festivals was the most open and warm society was.
Now it’s garbage elitist racist and weird.
I have had beer and played Pool with Trans after our Gay night in an arts Rock n Roll pub.
But now they are just too judgemental controlling and elitist.
I agree with this Man.
It’s gone to crap and hatred.


8:55 from a Trans person. Thenk you. This takeover is doing so much harm for trans people and spsificly for trans people who are unlikely to have an identity thet was completely hijacked by the crazies


Just wanted to comment on being against the nuclear family and indoctrination. As a 45-year-old gay man having grown up and live in the deep south of the USA (came out fully at 15), my views on these matters stem from ultra conservativism. I am not against the nuclear family. To each their own. What I have always been against is the idea that that is the only "right" way. The nuclear family is a given among the general population. I don't think anyone is trying to change that or take it away from others. It's not the only way now and these are fairly recent developments in society. I think that's where so-called indoctrination stems. So, to with things like sex education, family planning, etc. You don't have to exist in a traditional box. Even among straight people. Roles have changed and there's more freedom. People have more choices. That's what I advocate for. It's not trying to take anything from people (not a war as is often said) or forcing anyone to behave in a particular way. I think it is a disservice and irresponsible towards people when you remove sex education from schools and make any discussion of it out to be taboo or inappropriate. Plus, among many conservatives, these things get tied to religious beliefs and the morals that those beliefs dictate. That has a negative effect on people and the youth as much as anything else and can be perceived as indoctrination.


You disavow the 'radical' approach yet at 24:18 you claim that having lots of straight writers writing about anything from BDSM to polyamory to kink and tying it all to gay rights is somehow considered as part of the 'liberal' approach? That is the exact thing the radicals did, trying to make the lgbt rights movement not about lgbt rights but about normalising every single 'perversion' there exists. And this is the exact argument people who are against lgbt rights make, that it's some kind of trojan horse for more radical agendas. So you're part of the reason why gay rights are facing backlash right now, even though you claim to be part of the cure.


The early activism was about LGB righs. Don't rewrite our history for "trans." I'm 61, and I was there.


I'm gay and I definitely DO NOT accept that these heterosexual narcissists claim to be what they are not!! This heterosexual woman has a LOT of nerve saying that!


Managed about a third then gave up - meandering interviewer plus the ad frequency


woefully under informed about the degree of extremism in k-12


I am only halfway through this conversation, but I would be interested in how you would correlate increased procreativeness of predominantly bisexual males with the declining birth rate globally. Also, I don't think direct connections between sexuality in the human and animal worlds as being entirely or at least automaticallly justifiable. For instance, in animal courting rituals, the male is usually the more colourful whereas in human sexual culture it is the female who traditionally assumes that role, so I guess all that I am saying is that a more nuanced analylsis is need based on anthropological observations in human and animal species


Such a sane conversation...makes a nice change.


Iona, this green is YOUR colour. Rio seems like a lovely guy.


It is right and proper that the guest have outlets for all the BTQ+ activism he wants to do.


Thank you - it was so refreshing to hear your explanation - you regained my trust in the rights of LGBT people - keep the good job.


I hear the term "community organizer" and my warning light goes on bright red. I can't think of a positive connotation for the term, except maybe "mothers against drunk driving" (MADD - wasn't that the acronym?). All this advocacy for homosexuals is despicable to me and probably a majority of people because these movements inevitably go too far. How could they not? Having gained some ground, they keep pushing and end up with a bandwagon for others to glom onto.

The entire concept of "social justice" is the root of the problem. There is no such thing. There is legal justice and there are social mores that are arrived at through a variety of social processes. Norms are important in society and should only be challenged when they violate the constitution. There should be no constitutional "right" to participate in the institution of marriage if you're not a heterosexual couple (the framers of the constitution could never have anticipated "gay marriage" and so wrote no prohibition against it), no right to adopt kids for non heteros (although no one has a constitutional "right" to adopt, that is for localities). The constitution should apply to everyone equally as it was intended - though not practiced. That should be the focus.

Identity politics has always been a problem in the US because we are a country of immigrants and people have evolved to be quite tribal - as all "pack animals" are (the non protestants of all sorts have faced bigotry in society - although it is not the job of the government to force people not to be bigots, this is for religion and ethics to address - it is for the law to protect the rights established for everyone). It took us a long time (a civil war and Jim Crow) to arrive at the social norm of relative equality among ethnicities and an acceptance of homosexuality as something biologically innate rather than as some sort of psychological perversion. This is as it should be. So, to now continue with "identity politics", to advocate for the so called "rights" of LGBT (yes, the Q and other following initials must absolutely be removed as they are not biologically innate, and I am not sure T should be part of this movement either for that matter) is making the same mistake we've been making since the "civil rights" era of the 1960s, which is to create protected "classes" that enjoy government advocacy.

Mine is not a unique position, it is the obvious one that stands up for "tradition" as tradition is the foundation to any successful culture. My position is one put forward during the "gay marriage" movement that has gone on to be the law of the land - sadly - and has undermined the supremacy of the family in our society (to claim that children can be born to or adopted by same-sex couples might be nice for the couples, but it is a social experiment we're conducting on children without good reason and, as I said, displaces heterosexual family as THE foundation of society). Big mistake and hard to go back from here.

Unfortunately, without an actual education in conservative thinkers - sorely missing from higher education in the last 60 years - leftist ideals have run rampant and enabled the "success" of groups advocating to dismantle or de-center the traditional family from its rightful dominant position in American society (I say "rightful" not from subjective judgment but as the value inevitable merrited by normalization).

Now, a fascist reactionary movement is an inevitable counter to the left going too far, when what most people want is a reasonable conservative (i.e. traditonally liberal) society. Instead we get this "social justice" movement and watch our civilization crumble before us. I say this as someone who used to be on the left until about 5 years ago - i.e. since my awareness of "woke" was awakened. And Rio can argue against the woke all he likes but he is still part of the problem.


Yikes she's a terrible interviewer
