Why shopping small is so much better for the planet (and your conscience)

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I say it all the time so let's finally talk about why small businesses are better for the environment. This is the importance of shopping small: supporting your neighbors, getting higher quality items, and it has less of an impact on the environment. Why do you shop small? Shout out your favorite small brands below! Here are a few of mine that I wore in this video:

Videos mentioned/recommended:

00:00 - Shipping and transportation
2:47 - Less energy usage
3:42 - Less waste produced
5:46 - Why mega corporations are SO BAD
7:10 - Other benefits to shopping small
9:26 - But it costs more...why?
11:45 - How to support for free!!
12:50 - More small brands I love
13:51 - Bloopers



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In this “cost of living crisis” I’ve realized I buy too much food. I’ve cut out a lot of what I used to buy. I don’t mind shopping local or small now, because I just don’t need as much as I thought. No waste, eat all leftovers, buy used, support my local coffee shop once every two weeks - especially when the make a heart in my cappuccino . Great inspiration 🐇🩷🇨🇦


REMINDER: do what you gotta do. If you cannot shop small, don't. None of my videos are attacks on you. Find others way to live eco :) The point is to shop small when and where you can!


I find that one should go through this list of questions when considering whether to buy something:
1: Do I need this? If so, how soon do I need this?
2: Could the money that I’d spend on this be put to better use?
3: Where will I store it?
4: Am I buying it to replace something that broke? If so, can I repair what broke?
5: Do I already have the item or something similar that works?
6: Is it going to be infrequently used or used only once? If so, can I borrow it?
7: Can I get the item secondhand?
8: If it must be purchased new, what is the most sustainable option that I can afford?


This video is checking the boxes! Excited to look up two of your artists that you’re wearing today because I’ve been consuming your content since you were in oki! Off topic…..loving your hair…thank you for great educational content. Stay safe out there❤


Always grateful for the videos you create. Thank you for spreading the word and doing your best to help our beautiful planet ❤


Items definitely have more personality from small business, the combo of few well thought out purchases and small business = love!


Thank you for always showing up with so good thoughts, tips and ideas!❤
Really looking forward to the gift guide since I’ve realized I won’t be able to handmake gifts for everyone this year


Ok the subject of smaller businesses utalizing scraps: Wool& a brand whose clothes are slowly taking over my small wardrobe, takes the large swaths of scrap and sell them as a "mystery scarf" during their sale seasons. For some reason they dont sell a scrap bag even though some of us have asked for it but i love the idea!


Thanks for sharing! I have loved shopping small for Birthday, Christmas and other gifts the past few years. It’s so fun to visit my favorite local shops and support them. It feels good buying and gifting the items (which is rare in our capitalist society) 😂

I am hoping to get more into crafting and creating this year. Would love to see ideas for free, cheap, or homemade holiday gift items.


I really enjoyed watching this. Very thought-provoking and has made me want to explore what is available locally. Not just food but other goods like gifts etc. I live in the UK but I am sure it is the same picture in the US. Our high streets and town centres are literally dying. Shops are closing down all over the place both big brands and of course the little artisans. There needs to be a lot more support to resurrect local businesses to give us the choice to use them. My local high street is literally just full of fast food takeaways. I would love nice small local shops to go and browse in instead. But I am going to make a point of checking out what is available to me locally. Thank you


I work at a local business and so many people come in, check things out, turn things on, get assistance from me, choose an item to then check amazon on their phone and get it online because it's slightly cheaper. It hurts.


Thank you for caring for our planet and voting for our future.


When checking out small businesses, you may discover they are doing great things you want to support. A new coffee shop in my city is woman-owned and buys from other woman-owned suppliers. They are also tip-free and pay their staff a fair wage. We also have a new bar specifically opened to counter the abuses in the hospitality industry.


I live in Canada, and I like going to the shop local market events. I also shop second hand, but if I can't find anything second hand, my next best place is the craftsman market. I roam these events and am always able to find it there.


I honestly don’t understand how anyone can buy the Starbucks prices of coffee EVERY DAY 😳 Coffee can be expensive, yes but their prices are just flat out ridiculous. How can anyone with a normal income afford that? I have exactly done that 1 times, back when my dad was still alive and we were out in a city we didn’t know and couldn’t explore any other option but their coffee isn’t even better than at least 80% of coffee to be found elsewhere. My dad needing sugar in his coffee was a dead giveaway to coffee being horrendous 😂😂
Though… upon thinking on about it… if you happen to like their coffee or are adventurous and often want something different then sure, you’ll be saving up enough of your finances to splurge on them however much you can so I guess I’m really pleased with how bad I find their coffees to be (but I’m more into normal coffee and the occasional cappuccino, all those other options make my brain crash to be honest so that’s of course another lack of incentive on my part to splurge on those ridiculous prices)

Anyway, love the channel


I agree with you on most points. Question though -- do you consider a vendor who's not a big corporation but who also uses and modify OEM items (often sourced from overseas) before sale as a small business too?


What is your favorite small business website outside of Etsy, I'd love to broaden my choices even further


I feel like you could be one of my best friends ! Love from Greece
