Tropical garden design & build - 4 years in 5 minutes

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Our goal was to transform a baron and neglected garden into our dream tropical oasis, right here in the UK. The garden had been neglected for 15 years before we moved in as the property had previously been a rental. We set about building a tropical garden in Autumn 2018 and had to overcome a number of hurdles. The heavy clay soil was badly compacted and needed to be opened up and enriched if any tropical or exotic plants were going to grow in this space. We dug a stream to provide the humidity that the tropical style plants would need and to attract wildlife into our tropical garden. Slowly we added more and more exotic and unusual plants to help bring our dream of a creating tropical garden alive.

With the addition of a puppy, changes has to be made to make our tropical garden safe for the dog. A short while later we added a greenhouse which helped broaden the range of exotic plants I could grow. The greenhouse was the catalyst in the creation of 'Grow Paradise', our online shop for tropical and exotic plants.

Growing a tropical garden in the UK can be a bit challenging due to the cooler temperatures and lower light levels compared to tropical regions. However, with the right plants and care, it is possible to create a tropical oasis in the UK. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Choose the right plants: Look for tropical plants that are hardy enough to withstand cooler temperatures, such as banana trees, palms, Fatsias and cordylines.
Choose the right location: Look for a spot in your garden that gets plenty of sunlight, as tropical plants need a lot of light to thrive. South-facing walls or areas protected from strong winds can also help to create a microclimate that is more suitable for tropical plants.
Use a greenhouse or conservatory: A greenhouse or conservatory can help to provide the warm, humid conditions that tropical plants need, especially during the cooler months.
Use insulation and protection: Insulate your plants with fleece or bubble wrap to help protect them from frost. You can also use cloches or grow tents to create a warmer, more protected environment for your tropical plants.
Water regularly: Tropical plants need a lot of water to thrive, so be sure to water them regularly, especially during dry spells. Use a moisture meter to help you gauge when your plants need watering.
By following these tips, you should be able to successfully grow a tropical garden in the UK. Good luck!

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I’m a 6 foot, 265lb American man. I spent most of my life wrestling, playing football, and training martial arts. I consider myself a tough guy. And your video brought a tear to my eye. I don’t even know you, but this video made me so proud of you haha. What a beautiful story, and a cool life you’re living. Keep up the great work 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


"Give a gardener space and they will fill it" ---spot on


Awesome!!!! This is truly a beautiful accomplishment. I'm delving into hardy tropical gardening after watching UK Youtubers talk about their tropical gardens! I said to myself, why not give it a go, too! I love tropical plants, and my parents live on the Caribbean sode of Costa Rica . I can't wait til spring's warm westher! Cheers, Leesa in France. Zone 8b central France/woodland area.


I think it’s not luck but your hard work and so understanding family sir.


I Had my doubts about seeing snow fall on my Tropical garden until i remembered a movie about Japanese gardens with all the popular Tropical plants and flowers/Trees with steam pools, snow monkeys and yes heavy snow on everything. I Remembered how all plants must have a rest period to regenerate. Some simply need overnight darkness, others need a few months and cooler temperatures to stratify seeds and even some young plants to toughen them up. As for tender plants that i know will be hurt by cold and snow, i simply make them portable and haul them into my greenhouses for storage and to enjoy them by placing them around a seating area inside. Plants too big to move, i simply bend greenhouse frame pipe to make vertical frames that i drape plastic sheeting over to make a type of aquarium to protect them by retaining heat.


Keep planting. You have done wonders in such a small space. ☘️


Great things happen when you put your heart, mind, soul into it! Keep it up, never stop creating together!


Craig - now that was a superbly crafted video! The percussive background matched the tropical theme beautifully - and you finished it at the end to perfection. Nicely paced voiceover as well.


Good job, inspiring . I love how the new garden hides and softens all those walls, corners and straight lines that you began with . Regards from guatemala


I live in Southern California where it’s extremely hot with bad soil. I bought my house in 2018 as well and you were my first video and my inspiration of how I could achieve my tropical paradise. I started with a banana bulb my neighbor gave me. Then I got some Tropicana plants, cannas, hibiscus plants. My bananna plant has multiplied over and over. Because I have a small yard I’ve had to cut them down several times and they just keep coming back and multiplying more. How do you keep your banana plants from taking over your property? Mind you my tropical paradise looks nothing like yours. I have a small income and a small backyard so I kind of planted my plants around the edges of my yard and the entire center of my yard is just dirt, waiting for me to do something with it. In the long run I would love my yard to look like yours and my total dream would be to have a stream as well like yours. I too believe that the sound of water makes plants thrive. Any tips you have would be greatly appreciated.


4:07 looks so good and relaxing, nice garden!


Fantastic work, it made be cry of it's beauty and arduous progress.


Great video - I've followed your progress since the beginning so it's wonderful to look back on how far the garden has come. I'm moving into the third year of my tropical garden so can't wait to see what it's like when it's as established as yours!


I've been following you for ages and I think I must have missed a couple of videos at one point, because I knew you took the stream out, but didn't realise why. Now it all makes sense. Thanks for this recap video!

It's a fantastic transformation. My garden still needs so much work, but it will get there. This cold snap has highlighted to me that I need to focus on some hardier plants. We gardeners are forever digging up and moving plants! I do love your idea of plants in pots so you can move them around. I might try that in the coming summer - depending on if my toddler allows! Toddlers and puppies are very similar...


Thank you so very much for sharing. Impressive, inspiring, gorgeous garden you have. 🌺🙏🏼🇵🇭


Thx for sharing craig! Ive enjoyed and followed much of it.
My Journey in zone 8b started in 2007 on less than 100 sqm. Meanwhile weve moved, mainly for the yard now measuring 1500 sqm, added greenhouse, 2 ponds, pool, outdoor kitchen, waterstream and over 55 palms covering appr 15 species. I moved over 12 tons of gravel (just walkeays), over 10 tons of granite boulders for elevated beds, and removed almost 1200 sqm of grass...keeps me fit!!
Still going strong enduring our grey and wet cold winters doing whatever seems impossible. Experimenting, failing and succeeding are often very close, but so worth it. Some succes stories are my 35 trachycarpus palms, my 8' Jubaea and Butia, and two pretty chunky 13' Washingtonia palms, next to arrays of ginger, banana and far lesser hardy stuff experimenting.
Keep it up dude! 365 days of vacation in your backyard is so cool in our climate.
Space is becoming limited again as ive filled up this plot in 6 yrs...


Beautiful work. 🎉 Thank you for sharing the journey.


It would be good to know the tropical looking plants that survive outdoors all year around


You and George have the most wonderful gardens, especially with our weather. The soil in my garden is the same, clay everywhere and even if my garden is quite big is really difficult to grow plants....


I think you have achieved a fantastic garden it must give you great pleasure , I also have a tropical garden in Portugal I've been here for 38 year's , I'm very proud of my garden also , thanks for your video 😎
