Mastering Python

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Explore the immense Python libraries to write efficient, reusable code
Create adaptable programs that run on multiple processors with parallel programming
Become a Python expert with the help of detailed discussions, illustrated with concrete examples

Build Python packages to efficiently create reusable code
Become proficient at creating tools and utility programs in Python
Use the Git version control system to protect your development environment from unwanted changes
Harness the power of Python to automate other software
Distribute computation tasks across multiple processors
Handle high I/O loads with asynchronous I/O for smoother performance
Take advantage of Python's metaprogramming and programmable syntax features
Get to grips with unit testing to write better code, faster

Python is one of the most powerful, flexible, and popular programming languages in the world. Even though Python programs are simple to work with, writing code that is efficient, maintainable, and reusable can be a little tricky for some. The presence of Python's “batteries included” toolbox allows you to easily produce application prototypes or implement new algorithms with minimum efforts.

This course takes you on a journey from the basics of operating in a Python development environment through to advanced topics and master-level techniques. It presents you with a guide to Python and its standard library, focusing on language and library elements that are particularly useful for tool authors and system programmers.

We start off with the basics to set up a functioning environment, creating packages, and running them on the command line. Through our journey, we'll highlight the major aspects of managing our Python development environment, handling parallel computation, and mastering asynchronous I/O for improved performance of our system. Finally, we'll learn the secrets of metaprogramming and unit testing in Python arming you with the perfect skillset to be a Python expert.

Mastering Python will get you up to speed in everything from basic programming practices to high-end tools and techniques that will help you set apart as a successful Python programmer.

Style and Approach
This video course is a step-by-step tutorial with each section covering a distinct topic enhanced with discussions and examples; the topics have a wide variety ranging from the basics and fundamentals of Python to advanced power skills.

Setting Up the Work Environment
The Course Overview
Downloading and Installing Python
Using the Command Line and the Interactive Shell
Installing Packages with pip
Finding Packages in the Python Package Index
Creating a Package
Creating an Empty Package
Adding Modules to the Package
Importing One of the Package's Modules from Another
Adding Data Files to the Package
Basic Best Practices
PEP 8 and Writing Readable Code
Using Version Control
Using venv to Create a Stable and Isolated Work Area
Getting the Most Out of docstrings Part 1 – PEP 257 and Sphinx
Getting the Most Out of docstrings Part 2 – doctest
Creating a Command-line Utility
Making a Package Executable via python – m
Handling Command-line Arguments with argparse
Text-mode Interactivity
Executing Other Programs
Using Shell Scripts or Batch Files to Launch Programs
Parallel Processing
Using Multiprocessing
Coroutines and Asynchronous I/O
Understanding Why Asynchronous I/O Isn't Like Parallel Processing
Using the asyncio Event Loop and Coroutine Scheduler
Making Asynchronous Tasks Interoperate
Communicating across the Network
Using Function Decorators
Using Function Annotations
Using Class Decorators
Using Metaclasses
Using Context Managers
Using Descriptors
Unit Testing
Understanding the Principles of Unit Testing
Using unittest
Using unittest's Test Discovery
Using Nose for Unified Test Discovery and Reporting
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