God's name in 19 old bibles from 1477 - 1877 ---- Yahweh ? Jehovah ? LORD ? - KJV - Tyndale - Geneva

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I was curious if there were conflicts about the name of the God of the bible (in old bibles).

Tetragrammaton timestamps:
3:51 - 4:08 - 4:45 (with vowels) - 6:27 - 12:10 - 15:01


The navigation method is changed on their website,
so I made a list of the pages where you can find the name at this date:

1709 1st English American Bible: page 241 (verse 18)
1611 King James Bible: page 723 (verse 18), page 808 (Isaiah 12:2), page 818 (Isaiah 26:4)
1583 Geneva Bible: page 129 (verse 23), page 617 (verse 18)
1569 Spanish Bear Bible: page 123 (but many more verses), page 637 (verse 17)
1568 Bishops Bible: page 168 (verse 19), page 169 (verse 23), page 743 (verse 18)
1549 Tyndale bible: report wrong pages
1541 Great Bible: page: 65 and page 422
1537 Matthew's Bible: page 116 (2 times on this page)

Navigating these bibles is a bit counter intuitive sometimes: in some bibles you can't use the roman numerals in the top corner of the page, but you must use the roman numerals on the head of the chapters. The older the bible, the harder to navigate, the numerals look different.
There are sometimes more verses in some bibles that have the name Jehovah or Iehovah, I didn't include them all here, just some, but there aren't many (except for the Spanish Bear Bible). (For not making this video too long I just picked 2 verses for all bibles).

Ba'al also means lord (at around 18min):

Nehemiah Gordon about Wilhelm Gesenius and Yahweh comes from a pagan God ?

Alfa & Omega = YHWH (around 38min):

Is Jesus God or not ? by logical deduction:

The Tetragrammaton in Bing text to voice translator pronounced in Hebrew:

Currently the English bible combo i use on Biblegateway to compare verses:

Sadly there aren't many bibles that did the same thing as they did, why not at least put YHWH or יהוה in bibles? Any of this is better than using Lord. Using Lord promotes confusion and smells like corruption to me.

Very handy to find similar bible verses:

Nederlands bijbelvertalingen naast elkaar (soms wartaal echter).

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I allow 99% of comments, even wrong or non-nonsensical ones. I try to review all of them. Be aware that on YouTube and social media some people misuse this power to delete comments and preserve a bias matching their opinion. I do not, you will find all kinds of opinions here. So I do not delete comments unless they cross a moral line or when you spam.
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Spoiler alert:
If the old bible translations use Jehovah before and after the 1611 King James bible, does this mean translators all copied this name from each other and didn't really make an independent translation or didn't knew Hebrew well, like some claim ? Or, did they know Hebrew well and all translated the name correctly ? If one claims they didn't know Hebrew well enough, or were tricked, then wouldn't there be more they copied or translated wrong ?
Why doesn't any of the Dutch translations seem to have the name Jehovah in it, while many English translations do ?
Why is the tetragrammaton on the cover on many of these old bibles if this is, some claim, not the name of God (though it is 6828 times used in the Hebrew old testament) ? Why didn't they place Jesus name on the cover or "I AM" if that is, some claim, God's name ? Why do some hardcore KJV only people use Yahweh, while this is not in their KJV bible ?

One of the big issues in bibles to this very day is that יהוה is translated into LORD and often into Lord (even more problematic), especially a problem in the new testament, which results in confusion and misleading about when the bible talks about God and when the bible is talking about Jesus. Why have only a few bible translations fixed this, and the majority have not?
Unfortunately i don't speak Hebrew (nor Latin nor Greek), i wish i did so i could read the original stuff myself. I believe you can't trust bible translations 100%, and maybe some manuscripts have been tampered with a little, who knows, but even so, there is evidence that the bible is real and human interference doesn't mean the entire bible is untrue. But i think it currently is best that we compare bibles and translations, not just focus on 1 bible translation, but especially look at the sources! If you only use one bible, you might be very fixated on a certain believe system, which is only good if you thoroughly checked if it's true. If not, we should study different believe systems/religions, until we know what we currently believe/do is the best possible with the highest standards/morals. Also check if the traditions and religious practices you do are ok to do. If you are not sure, it might be best to stop doing some things. Maybe it's better to not do any religious acts at all, instead of dong something wrong (?).
If you are new to the bible (or any other religious book), you need help or have to do a lot of research, because very likely you won't understand what is going on, especially reading the old testament.

In case you are wondering, i'm currently not active in any religion, and i want to keep it like this, to do open minded independent self study. I'm not the best example, don't look at me and what I do, just try to learn things from the information I provided. However, I do try and believe it's very important to try to live by very high moral standards, no matter what other people are doing. Don't do what others do, follow the wisdom provided by Jesus. This is just the best way of living (even if there would be no God). Also, this is most likely what a (loving) God would want and what would safe you if there is a loving God, and if there will come a judgement. Works are important to be saved, not just believe alone (even though some believe this), but know that the demons believe as well and they won't be saved (James 2:14-26). Also note that Jesus didn't say: This or that religion will be saved, in the bible it says: "if you wish to enter into eternal life, keep the commandments". - Matthew 19:17
So, knowing what to do and what not to do seems most important. Are/is there (a) fairly correct religion(s) ? There should be, right ? So it could be better to be in one than not but you may find yourself ended up in a sect or cult if you are not careful. Don't lose yourself. Some religions seem wrong and dangerous to stay in. Make sure you read the religious books you base your actions on, and thoroughly check what is happening and what they teach in your religion. Blindly following a leader/preacher is not a good idea, you must do self study and be critical. Also check what other religions are doing and why they do the things they do, you might miss something important and learn something and find a better way of living.

I'm open to reading any comment within reason. Also check out who Nehemia Gordon is (a Jewish scholar) and what evidence he claims to have.
Also, if you think יהוה is false or unimportant, Nehemiah Gordon said that Yeshua (Jesus name in Hebrew) means: יהוה saves...
seen around 43min in the video below.
(I don't like the intro music in the video, but the info is very interesting).


i always so proud using Jehovah God name.


1 Maccabees 3:48
[48]And laid open the book of the law, wherein the heathen had sought to paint the likeness of their images.


Thanks for posting a look at all those old Bibles. I saw lots opf Jehovahs and LORDS/Lords, but no Yahwehs. There is no doubt about it, the traditional name of God in English and other langiages has been 'Jehovah' for centuries.




Jehovah Witness had it right all along.


Isaiah 42:8
Young's Literal Translation
I am Jehovah, this is My name, And Mine honour to another I give not, Nor My praise to graven images.


Is original Hebraic Name Of The Father (Abba) is Yahuah & His Son name is Yahusha Ha'mashiach (The Messiah)


Wow, now that's interesting. The letter J was not used in print (words) until 1633. I could be off +/- a few years. Lastly, in the KJV 1611, there's not a J in the entire book.


Thank you . . . Ps 83:18, one of my favourites. . .


My Dream library would include The Original Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Tora, Septuagint, Geneva, Duoay Rheims, Tyndale, Mathews, King James 1611 with Apocrypha, Book of Enoch. Etc


Hebrew/Tetragramaton- יחוח
HWHY- Hebrew/ English (right to left)
YHWH- English/Hebrew (left to right)
YAHWEH- English translation after putting the vowels back in the English/Hebrew since Hebrew has no vowels
IAE, IABE', and IAOUE- Early Greek found in The Dead Sea Scrolls
IEHOUAH- William Tyndal's translation of the first 5 books
IEHOVAH- Henry Ainsworth's 1612 translation of Psalms
JEHOVAH- Henry Ainsworth's 1639 updated English translation of the Bible, adopted by the translators for The American Standard Bible in 1901.
The tetragramaton appears in the Bible some 7000 times, but was taken out due to the King wanting control of the people. When Willian Tyndal started translating it to English and putting Jehovahs name back where it belongs, it caused a lot of people to be burned alive. He was betrayed and given over to the King and was strangled then burnt. However, 10 months after his death, the King of England took out Jehovahs name and started publishing the Bible to appease the people, hence the Thee, Thou, Thy..ect.
The New Catholic Encyclopedia Second Edition, Vol 14, pgs 883-884 says: " Sometime after the end of The Exile, the name Yahweh began to be held in special reverence thus substituting it with the word ADONAI or ELOHIM.
JEREMIAH 23:27 They intend to make my people forget my name by the dreams they relate to one another, just as their fathers forgot my name because of Ba'al.
EXODUS 3:15 Then God said once more to Moses " This is what you are to say to the Isrealites, Jehovah the God of your forefathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob has sent me to you, and this is how I am to be remembered from generation to generation"
MALACHI 3:16 At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his own companion and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening. And a book of remembrance was written before him for those fear Jehovah and for those meditating on his name.
DEU 6:4 Listen O Isreal Jehovah our God is one Jehovah
LUKE 11:2 Let your name be sanctified
DEU 5:11 You must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way, for for Jehovah will not leave anyone unpunished who takes up his name in a worthless way.
MATTHEW 6:9 " You must pray, then, this way:
Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified"
JOHN 17:26 I have made your name known to them and will make it known, so that the love with which you loved me may be in themand I in union with them.

May all of you find and draw close to our father Jehovah, for the time of our King Jesus' return is very near. HALLELUJAH/ PRAISE JAH!!!


I’m saving this video! Thank you for answering a question I’ve been trying to find truth to ❤


Good job, very informative. Thank you kindly


Revelation 1:13-‬15

And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.


Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses have been telling people this for over 120 years


Whoever calls on the name, Jehovah will be saved. If ppl don't know his name...


The names of God and Jesus were changed long before these bibles were copied from one another. It should be obvious to many, that God and Lord are a title and not a name. Jesus is an English translation and goes back to the Anglo-Saxon Alphabet. The name Jesus in Hebrew is Yahusha, in Latin it's Iesus, in Greek it's Iesous, and in English it is Jesus. When the scrolls were translated from Hebrew and Aramaic into the Greek language, their names were changed into the form of the Greek language. Also, the letter "J" did not show up until the 16th to 17th century.


I have 1898 King James bible with a lot of photos of Jerusalem and places in Israel.
I like to read prophecies about the reforming of Israel as a nation and think of how when the ink was put of these pages they were still all future prophecies.


Thanks now I can show this to my dad who only believes in Jesus
