Most Disturbing Crimes That Happened In The Furry Community

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these are very disturbing furry stories (at least the later stories), some of y'all might have watched this... we don't talk about that tho

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Some of y'all might have watched it alr, would appreciate if you watched it still lol (help the algo maneee)


I wish animality cruelity cases were taken seriously . Kero and the others who comminited beastality being free today isn't a surprise though. I know of cases with people that have done worse then Kero (non furries tho) and only faced a few years in prison . One of them did the worse things I've ever heard about to dogs- and is in prison for like 10 years- 😭


The hardest part about this entire video, is knowing that there are more heinous things happening in not just the furry fandom-- but every fandom that gets started. Sadly, it is a human problem. There will always, ALWAYS be the worst types of people in any one of these spaces well-meaning people make.


Kero is still around and on Youtube by the way. he goes by a different name. To this day, people still think he's innocent and his fanbase is just as large as it always was.


It honestly breaks my heart when animal cruelty is committed and people take it so lightly like it’s not close to as bad as if it were to happen to a person, because it is. It also sucks that someone from such an underrepresented and bashed on community that should LOVE animals did something like this, because people who are against the furry community will attack them for this.


I normally can get through documentary videos that are disturbing, but I physically cannot finish this youtube video. My heart goes out to all of the poor animals.


Coming out as a zoophile as 9/11 is wild


One of the most HORRID videos I have ever seen on YouTube. God bless the victims and their families, I pray that those monsters change, or die. Great video.❤️


Getting ads while ur explaining animal SA is wild


i completely forgot about Sappho’s “i am a zooph*le” video 💀💀💀💀


There's a whole lot of "this is not a furry problem, it's a people problem" comments here, but as someone who used to be a furry for 10 years.. something i've noticed in its fandom in particular(and other fandoms/groups but more so here than any other i've been in) is how being well-liked, having a cute character or fursuit gives some people within the community a cover to get away with awful behavior. I guarantee you 80% of the people left who are still defending the zoophiles and pedophiles that got outed (if they aren't one themselves) are doing it because they have a parasocial relationship with their persona. They don't care about the person themselves that have done bad things. Not all furries are horrible people but the culture inherently gives bad actors a place to thrive which is really unfortunate for how it can be a good outlet for a lot of creative and LGBT people.

Final nail in the furry coffin for me was seeing repeated incidents of abuse in a local community where the "popular leaders" who ran all the cons and events covered for each other and mass silence anyone who criticizes them. Most of the people who know about these things are too afraid to call it out in fear of being ostracized from one of the only places they might have a support network . honestly sucks all around. Great video though


it's sad. the whole fandom is harassed and bullied. the few people that do awful and inhumane acts become the newest face of the fandom in the eyes of the media.
i see so many kids hiding this part of themselves because they'd be beat up


0:14 this is just a guy who basically just uses like makeupish stuff as animals (nothing/nobody is harmed)


0:09 THANK GOD FOR THAT DISCLAIMER thank you for recognizing that just cause some people in a community did something bad doesn’t make everyone in the community bad


You didn't know what a Brony was, but you know an entire iceberg worth of fucked up shit in the furry community?


as a furry, these are terrifying and i dont even know why these type of people actually exist..


I literally used to know Kero really well. We were close friends and when the allegations came out I left my job early. I was a mess. I felt so betrayed. This was the man whose vines and YouTube videos made me fall in love with the furry fandom. To this day, I still feel super dirty and I can’t cleanse myself of it. I feel so wrong and evil for supporting him when I did


Dawg is experiencing WW1 mustard gas in the 9th floor imagine someone was just like “GET DOWN SERGEANT MASKS ON!”


Haha I was actually so surprised that for someone making a video on furries you didn't know about bronies! I remember when they dominated the internet.
Great video btw! I have YouTube on autoplay and I was actually surprised when I actually looked up from what I was doing and this vid didn't have way more attention. I appreciate the detail you go into on each case without making each one incredibly long! I watch a lot of iceberg videos and people don't always get the right ratio of time for each case they cover. You did really well! Excited to see more from you


Even as a furry, I absolutely despise these types of people (or curries) who act or are like this. it disgusts me in ways I can't even understand.
