Thailand | MIRI® Time-lapse Workshop Highlights 2019| Esco Medical

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Esco Medical successfully conducted a 5-day MIRI® Time-lapse Incubator workshop held on August 19-23, 2019 at the Ambassador Hotel Bangkok, Thailand.

40 embryologists from Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Thailand, Macau, India, Vietnam, and Korea attended the workshop.

The workshop was led by industry experts: Diana Stein and Morten Kristensen. Diana, an Embryologist practicing for 35 years, is the IVF Laboratory Manager at Laniado Hospital in Israel. She has been using the MIRI® TL since 2014. Morten, on the other hand, is a Biologist and an Application Specialist from Esco Denmark.


Esco Medical is a leading manufacturer of high-quality IVF equipment. It offers a full range of equipment to IVF laboratories and clinics. These include a long-term embryo incubator, ART workstation, anti-vibration table, and time-lapse incubator. Esco Medical is continuously developing advanced technologies to meet the increasing demand of the IVF industry.

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