Coriolanus Snow’s character arc was just 👌 #hungergames #film #katnisseverdeen #presidentsnow

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As a person that’s read the book I immediately burst into laughter when he said best friend😂


It's also interesting how Snow's horrified by the thought of Tigris potentially selling her body, while he had no issue pimping out victors like Finnick.


Snow is such a complex character and I love it. His story arc is really good. One thing I picked up on is he Disney have moral codes like Lucy gray to survive but old snow has a code to never lie as he lied a lot to get his way which he backstabbed people, so he doesn’t want being backstabbing him by lying so he tells katniss to never lie.


snow didn't "turn" evil and his transformation wasn't "inevitable"— he had many positive influences in his life and KNEW what the districts went through. the scariest part about him is that he is the one who chooses to be like this, that he wasn't forced to become what he became. also sejanus was not hus best friend lol


In the book it starts a lot sooner, but a little more subtle because he’s still got it contained under the guise of being unsure of what he believes. His relationships with both Lucy gray and sejanus speak the loudest about where his psyche is headed though


It’s also because many things about Katniss Everdeen remind Snow of Lucy Gray like MockingJays, The plant she named Katniss, the same songs they sing, personality, etc.


In the book, he's already showing toxic characteristics, an incredible lack of empathy towards everyone, and an adoration for his imaginary greatness at the time. His society (capitol classmates) and bad influences (grandma'am, dr gaul) already shaped him to become a sociopath, but with new economic growth he's growing to become a psychopath, now he has the money to buy votes, to do whatever he pleases, and expand his vision for the hunger games.


In the book he hated Sejanus until they got to District 12 and he was forced by Dr. Gaul to go in and save Sejanus.


Dr. Gaul masterminded everything and molded snow into continuing the games for many years


He's not mad, he's just evil. And they're not best friends...


I enjoyed the Hunger Game movie about Snow's backstory. Just finished watching it, actually. 😅


I don’t think snow ever saw sejanus as his best friend more like a burden 😭 when he sent seajuns to his death he felt bad that he killed someone who saw him as his brother. The key word is “ saw him” because snow never saw anything of seajuns aside district.


I feel like Dr. Gaul was the biggest influence in turning Snow evil.


Snow was always a villain. I never felt bad for him 😂. He was so desperate to not be poor and have power that he would do anything, to anyone. All the things he did was for him to get into power and out of his poor status. He was a villain like his father. He wanted everything to go his way and work out for him and refused to see things any other way. Even after being in district 12 and knowing those people wanted out of their situation just as he did, he never sympathized. He just stepped on anyone to get his way.


The scene after Sir Janus got hung, he searched his Bucket…? And saw a picture of him and Sir Janus together, that scene Really stood out to me because he cried.


I read the book so I know the full story


The snow in the movies isn't exactly like the Snow in the Books ... Sure he is the bad guy but in the fourth book he has much more character skills that they didn't show in the movie ... What I missed in the movie was how the family was really poor and just ate cabbage and Lima beans because that was all they had.


Snow didnt become mad, he became ever more refined, calculated and sinister. Also sejanus is not his best friend, if anything that would be tigris.


Woah woah woah… MADNESS? He isn’t mad. He was groomed to have a certain worldview and now he thinks all the horrible shit he does is “the only way” and “for the greater good.”
We do get to see a little bit of Dr. Gaul’s influence over him in the film, but you really get to sit with it in the book.
The point is that, depending on the circumstances, any of us could become somebody in the future that our present self wouldn’t recognize. It’s a matter of one’s view of human nature, not of evil, sadism, or madness. The Coriolanus Snow’s of the world don’t happen by pure accident. Events occur and we are shaped by them. How we are shaped by them depends on who we are surrounded by. When someone needs help, the people who can help often won’t and those who would help do not have the means. The people responsible for alleviating the worries in his life largely shaped who he would become. A woman who manipulated him for his creativity and a man who values his reputation more that anything. Loving family and his bonds aside, that boy was doomed to become an oligarch.


In those three scenes I did see his dark side
