Supabase Crash Course For .NET Developers: Building an API From Scratch
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Supabase is an open-source Firebase alternative. The cloud platform offers fantastic features such as a PostgreSQL database, Authentication, Storage, Edge Functions (serverless), and Realtime subscriptions. You can get a complete backend with Supabase in just a few minutes by creating a project. Supabase has a generous free tier for you to try, and I recommend you check it out.
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0:00 Supabase crash course
0:35 What is Supabase?
1:07 Database
1:16 Authentication
1:23 Storage
1:31 Realtime
1:43 Edge Functions
1:54 Supabase pricing plans (awesome FREE tier)
2:25 Creating a Supabase project
3:25 Supabase Table Editor in the Web client
5:44 Supabase C# client
6:22 Building an API with Supabase
7:05 Configuring the Supabase.Client
8:12 Creating a Model for interacting with the DB
11:13 PostgREST introduction
11:55 Creating a POST endpoint
13:59 Creating a GET endpoint
16:01 Creating a DELETE endpoint
16:57 Giving our Supabase API a try