Nikon D50 - SnapChick Retro Review

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In the spirit of #maybethiswillwork, it's time for a retro review of the Nikon D50! I took it out for photos outside and in the studio to see how things would work!

Hi! I’m SnapChick. My channel is about photography as an art form and as a lifestyle, with a healthy dose of technology thrown in! I post new videos every week so subscribe here on YouTube, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google+, and join in on the conversation!
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I'm still using a Rebel XTi circa 2006. Still fits my needs just fine in 2017.


" It's me, the camera, timing, light & location" that summarises it all!. LIKE!


The Nikon D-50 was my first Digital SLR. I still have it and it is like brand new. It is a wonderful camera. The motor in the body is just the icing on the cake.


I watched this in 2024 just after I dug out my D50 and it's as if time stood still.... it's still a great camera. I recently found out why the pictures look great, it's cause of the CCD sensor was designed to emulate film... wow!


Thank you so much for this. Back in March 2012, a friend of mine was selling his D50 with the kit 28-80mm lens. Since I wanted to move up to a "real" camera (used my Galaxy 2's camera), I bought it, no research, no questions. I had seen some of his photographs, so I knew it was good. Anyway, in the almost 5 years I owned it, I learned how to photograph, found my style, and explored the possibilities. I found my place as a fledgling photographer and am doing it my way. Earlier this year (2017) I replaced my baby (that is what I called my D50) with a d5500 (which overall got good reviews) and a Nikkor 18-200 mm VR lens, which is also well reviewed; yes, along the way I am learning lots about photography. I love them. I also bought a Fujifilm X100S, which I also love for much the same reasons you like your Nikon 1 V1. (I love working with the 35mm equivalent fixed lens.) However, I still miss my baby. That D50/28-80mm combo is awesome on a stick. Have fun.


I love my Nikon D50, it's my first and only DSLR camera. It's my vintage Camera and I love it!


I'm a Canon fanboy and not only happily use the legendary 5D (Mark I, Classic), but also checked D50 with native 18-105 lens and was pleasantly surprised! The CCD sensor delivers quite nice colours and the camera is convenient enough overall! On my channel I even made a very detailed review of it + RAW tests at all ISOs. P.S. It's in Russian, but subtitles might work.


I bought one just recently for $42, and it's been very useful. I am just learning about photography. With the D50, I don't have a wealth of options to choose from. And like you said, it forces me to use the viewfinder. It's taught me a lot already. It's a sign of the times that a 17-year-old camera is considered ancient, a dinosaur, heavy, behind the times, etc. 😄


this was my 1st digital SLR. it was an amazing camera that never let me down in the almost 10 years I used it. It took some great photos and was still working up to the day I traded it in


6 years behind and off the scale but still worth making a comment Cameras are like most things the old ones in many cases were and still are better just like Motor Cycles the only difference being the new ones are not made to last and cost a lot more !!! Bought one of these and to be honest when a friend of mine who has all the gear and probably no idea would rather use my £98 D50 than his £989 unit with all the auto stuff Infact he tends to use his phone more than the camera to take shots Just like motor cycles which is the go to bike the new B.M.W. or the old Honda Say no more


Brilliant! Brilliant! Brilliant! One of your best videos and a much needed injection of common sense into the craft of photography. Thanks so much for producing and posting. Wonderful video! --Greg Embree


The D50 was my first DSLR! Thanks for the great review, and sparking some fond memories!


Just purchased one today! Can't wait to use it!


I love retro reviews. Some older gear is totally valid. I have D90's that I still use. If you are doing small prints less than 11x14 or web post you don't need huge files.

 I have seen beautiful work done with the D50 and a good lens. I remember when 6 MPs were a big deal, I was also surprised to see some very nice and large prints done with 5 and 6 MPs files.

My how times have changed the older gear was good and the newer gear is really good. The choices that we have to produce good work are awesome.


I bought this camera 4wks ago as my 1st "Camera" due to your vids and bc it was $75🇨🇦 to get me learning!!
❤ your vids!!


Excellent and very fair review! Put away my iPhone for a day or two and had a lot of fun taking pics with this old gem and post-processing in DxO.
No one would know I had been using a 15 year old Nikon. Still cuts the mustard - albeit in a more limited way than 2020 models.


This is not just old vs new. It's CCD vs CMOS senrors. Nikon switched them up often and many of the early bodies have different variations of the CCD. Nikon went away from CCD sensors to the cheaper CMOS but camera giant Hasselblad still uses them. What does that tell you? CCD sensors are more light sensitive and less vulnerable to noise but require more power so battery life is an issue.

Only 4 Nikon camera's used the same Sony ICX-435-AQ CCD sensor in the D50. The D40 is one and it has its fans too. This thing is built like a tank with a beefy grip. It surprisingly has good seals. I didn't have fogging issues in high humidity like many commercial cameras. You feel like you're holding a pro body camera. Nikon moved away from the CCD to CMOS sensors. So you're getting a different processing result and look with this camera. That's something those vintage film fans might be interested in. You have to feed this beast light to hit it's sweet spot. I use the same combo. D50 with a 50mm AF 1.8 D lens. 3 of my top 10 photos of all time were taken on this camera with this combo.


I still have, and use this camera 📷. This is my primary camera.


Nice video. It be interesting to a see a video comparison of photos taken between the D50 and the D500 and have the viewers guess which is which, then give the answer right after. Thanks for sharing! Cheers.


Super video, back to basic photography, I approve.
