Ear to Ear Full Chapter Explanation Exercise & Worksheet | Class 4 EVS Chapter 2

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✅ In this video,

✔️ Class: 4th
✔️ Subject: EVS
✔️ Chapter: Ear to Ear (Chapter 2)
✔️ Topic Name: Ear to Ear Full Chapter Explanation Exercise & Worksheet
✔️ Topics Covered in This Video(By Chandni Ma'am): Full Chapter Explanation Exercise & Worksheet From Class 4 EVS Chapter 2 Ear to Ear in have been discussed in this Video.
00:00 Introduction
01:23 Introduction Ear To Ear
02:22 What are Ears?
08:12 Why Do We Need Ears?
11:34 Life Without Ears
13:39 Are these Animals Looks Funny
21:39 Do all Animals Ears?
22:53 Amongst Animals given Below
30:37 Invisible Ear
31:21 lets Answer
32:09 Lets Observe This Picture
35:01 Some other Animals Which have Ears
35:42 Lets Answer
40:09 What we have understood
42:24 Birds - Invisible Ear
46:49 What is Skin
52:11 Let us see if we can recognize Animals by their skin
57:09 Match the animals Shown below their picture of their skin
1:04:59 Lets Put the Animals in the Table Below
1:06:19 Animals Whose ears can be seen and have hair on skin
1:17:50 Lets Put the animals Below
1:19:04 Lets Answer
1:22:54 Animals that Lays Eggs and Give Birth Young Ones
1:31:21 Animals That Lays Eggs
1:33:25 Animals that give birth
1:36:49 Dinosaur
1:40:39 Lets answer
1:42:19 Tiger
1:47:45 Lets answer
1:52:56 Writing fun skill

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