E09 La décroissance

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Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript.
Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics.
Economic growth has been our governments’ main concern for decades now. Capitalism needs it to survive and, by extension, we need it to keep living comfortably.
Or so we believe.
Since the 70’s, a large number of economists, environmentalists and experts from various fields have warned us about the negative consequences of economic growth, not only on our planet but also on our personal lives.
“Degrowth” has appeared as an alternative in order to create a more sustainable model. But what does it mean exactly? Should we all sell our cars, our houses, and start living in the forest? Or are there some more approachable ways of reducing our negative impact and finding our on path?
This podcast is designed for intermediate French learners who want to get a better grasp of the language by listening to interesting topics.
Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics.
Economic growth has been our governments’ main concern for decades now. Capitalism needs it to survive and, by extension, we need it to keep living comfortably.
Or so we believe.
Since the 70’s, a large number of economists, environmentalists and experts from various fields have warned us about the negative consequences of economic growth, not only on our planet but also on our personal lives.
“Degrowth” has appeared as an alternative in order to create a more sustainable model. But what does it mean exactly? Should we all sell our cars, our houses, and start living in the forest? Or are there some more approachable ways of reducing our negative impact and finding our on path?
This podcast is designed for intermediate French learners who want to get a better grasp of the language by listening to interesting topics.
E09 La décroissance
Décroissance (sortir de la crise écologique)
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