Camille Paglia on masculine communication and feminine communication

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Be prepared, OK? To listen, OK? At 100 miles an hour, OK?


Experiment proposal about choice of attire and intersexual contact:
1- Prepare a dressing room with a variety of sexy and non-sexy pieces of clothing in all colors and sizes.
2- Gather three groups of women. Tell the first one that they're going to meet a group of men for informal conversation, tell the second one that they're going to meet another group of women. The third group is the control; don't tell them anything.
3- Note if those factors change how often every piece of clothing is chosen.
4- See if women dress for other women or for men.


I can't seem to make my wife understand how I loathe to be bombarded by her when she gets home. I need a bit of solitude and down time before I can listen to every single thing someone said to her or the way this person was dressed. It is actually exhausting listening to her barrage of thoughts spoken in rapid fire succession. I have to remind her to occasionally take a breath. Camille Paglia absolutely nailed the differencees in gender communication. Loved it.


Great info but Camille don't EVER start drinking Red Bull..


Camille I love you. One issue men have with female conversation is the endless repetition. They say the same thing over and over.


I just love her when she goes into art and psychology, really brilliant remarks, no wonder she's a professor.


When asked about the difference between male and female soldiers in the Infantry, one Captain commented that two men can share a fox hole for two hours without speaking, and neither one will wonder if the other is mad at them.


She totally left out that men usually talk with a lot of humour, even when complaining about things. We entertain each other the whole time :D


My grandfather had 4 sisters. He'd watch them talk and shake his head and say, "Everyone is talking, and nobody is listening." They would pick up on each other's sentences so fast, and three of the four would be verbally reacting to the sentence fragment of the first.


I recommend watching her videos at 0.75 speed.


I love this women. She is so SPOT ON in her theories and observations!


I was raised in a household of 4 women and no men until I was 15. My mother taught me how cook, iron and keep myself clean. I could, and still can, chat with women. When my wife goes clothes shopping I go with her and give her my honest opinion. At times I find conversation with some other men boring, cars and sport are ok for a while but often that's the only conversation they have. I don't care what sort of car you've got, I only care that it's reliable, and sport is only a game. Having said that I'm a definite heterosexual with no yearning to wear my wives clothes. I'm a hunter gatherer who enjoys the company of like-minded men and women who don't treat me as some sort of toxic male.


Her comment on Brazil is accurate, I've been living here for almost 3 years and a lot of women dress extremely sexy.. and us men? T-shirt and Jeans and that's enough, I never heard women here expressed the slightest concern about the way men dress.


I always experienced existencial anxiety, so when I found a woman that loved talking about every single trivial event that she experienced I felt as I had been blessed by god to have someone around me that kept my feet on the ground. I appreciate time alone, but I also love relaxing by listening the story about how her friend finally found the purse she was looking for. :)


She had a great discussion on this topic with Jordan Peterson as well.
When men speak to one other about anything important, there is always a physical component to the conversation... by that I mean there's the constant underlying understanding that if you say certain things, or say things in a certain way, it could result in a physical fight (or even lethal violence), there are some basic dominance things going on, men can actually communicate *through* violence or the threat of violence... the dynamic is totally different when men and women speak to one another.


"Men don't need to communicate."
It's even worse. When men come home from a stressful day at work the often urgently need their calm and peace to decompress, to reduce tension that build up during the day. So not only don't they need to communicate, they need to not talk or listen. They need to be deprived from input and verbal interaction for a while.
In such a situation pressing a man into listening to machine gun blablabla can be extremely stressful for a man. In fact so stressful that they flip out.
This is even more the case because men communicate very differently. Men speak less words, the story is compact and in order and filled with facts. No side stories, nothing unnecessary, few emotions. Men tell summaries. If a have to listen to a woman's story and I am in a stressed mode it feels like diving through a pipe holding my breath desperately hoping for the end of the pipe.


Man she is so spot on in her observation of the differences in men and women when they "come home from work". I never really tought about it but I hardly tell anything about what happened in college to my family besides a funny anecdote. And my dad is silent as a rock and always has been. But my mom and sister go over it sometimes to the neurotic point of recalling whole conversations of minutes "so then I said and then she said so I said to her..."


She’s such a fearless, educated speaker. Love it.


This is SO GOOD. I understand exactly where she is coming from because most of what she is talking about are pretty much across the board generalisms that we as people often dispute the specifics (like, two actual guys who have a fight and get a beer after. Not likely, however, I do think that attitude is the EXACT sentiment that heterosexual men have about maybe conflict [?]), but it's understood to us that we act this way. So, this is good.


Lol this is fantastic. This woman is wonderful.
