DeepMind’s New AI Saw 15,000,000,000 Chess Boards!

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So this can deduct algorithms from data? Wow!


1:42 stockfish isn't handcrafted anymore. It also uses a neural network for eval, just a very small one that is optimized for incremental evaluation on a cpu (NNUE)


Now we need an algorithm to analyze why the chicken really crossed the road


saying a chess ai can outperform gpt 4 in chess is like saying a sumo master can knock over a child


Does it mean that this is the start of making full algorithms out of neural networks instead of black boxes which they are currently?


Leela Chess Zero (or just Leela) tried a similar test to this one after the team saw the DeepMind paper. They compared how the most recent Leela weights performed against DeepMind's AI. The cool thing is that Leela performed a little better than the DeepMind one. The results are published on Leela's Blog.


If you thought you couldn't be more surprised… wow!


This AI proves that it's possible to reach 2800 using pure intuition (pattern recognition) without calculating (searching)


Sounds like the AI just learned to play blitz really well. It's just pattern recognition, no calculations are needed and humans can do it too.


I tried this approach a while ago. The network I trained could at least beat me (~1000 elo), which I was satisfied with. I could have trained it longer, but this was 6 years ago and my graphics cards was really bad back then. It was also a smaller network and not a transformer, but an AlphaZero style convolutional network. One fun thing you can do with this is to condition on the rating of the player/chess engine to have the network mimic a certain skill level.


What about the fact that the input/output parameter count is drastically reduced by iteration ? Better to compute "just a move" rather than a whole board ? Or am I misled ? :)


I’m really curious about the real world benefit of this model beyond the fact that it’s small and fast and can be run efficiently locally on low cost and low power devices.

I know this supposedly isn’t about chess (???), but they essentially managed to build a worse version of Alpha Zero 7 years later with a completely different model architecture. And yes, the new model can be applied to many domains beyond chess or even board games in general, so there’s some usefulness in that, but… this just seems like a repackaged form of supervised learning that has been around for ages, and the result / accuracy doesn’t seem that different than what older methods of supervised learning would yield.

What am I missing here?


The neural net embeds the lookahead library.


This is a clear derivation of the word prediction of the large language models.

All these pseudo-smart systems are deeply impressive tools for humans, and I can't wait to see what we'll do with them!


2:10 "Lichess elo" of 2895 sounds more like IM (International Master) strength, than that of a GM's strength.

Alphazero (AI chess engine of Deepmind) could easily be 3300+. Leela Chess Zero (Lc0) built using the same architecture is 3600 today.

3:24 ChatGPT is not even good. In the sense it was not made for chess. Gothamchess channel has covered a video with GPT playing chess. At times it played moves that are illegal.

Regardless, incredible results 👍🏻


Dear Karoly, thank you for extensive coverage of the most exciting reakthrough in computer science and more. But this one, you did not convinse me this paper has any significant result. They deleted the search part and it preformed worse than tree-search algorithms... duh... In fact it couldn't even make mate in 3 on its own. That whole speach about the algorithms in the end seems to be on the opposite side of what was done in the paper. I don't get it whats new or exciting about this particular paper. And I do not like the general sentiment that now the transformer is a soluion for everything, just throw more compute into it. No, I believe, it is still very important to develop different algorithms and different architecture to do really impressive stuff, and other videos on this channel illustrate this idea perfectly.


Did the title change just a few hrs after release? Was this channel always so reliant on clickbait?


Can they use this as a new evaluation function that they would use inside a search algorithm ?


Is this voice AI-generated? Intonations are all kinds of wrong, even more so than usually.


lol "I love the smell of an amazing dusty old paper". xD
