The Chosen Season 5 Episode 1 Major Plot Detail REVEALED!

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Claudia will not only assume a one-dimensional role in The Chosen. She won’t just be the wife that shows up one time and disappears. She might actually have a bigger role in The Chosen Season 5 and beyond. Just like Joanna, she might have a conversion.

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I just discovered your channel. I’ve loved all of the videos I’ve watched so far. And I agree with everyone else that a video on Atticus would be awesome. He’s one of my favorite characters.

I used his “good chat” on my daughters recently as we were ending a rather, ‘er, lively conversation. It came out before it dawned on me who has said it. I’ve watched all four seasons so many times I can’t even count. And now some of the dialogue spills out of my mouth without even thinking. 😁

But I’m not ashamed of that, being a super fan and all, as the show brought me back to God. God is soooo good. 🙏✝️


Yes I would love to see centurion say that Jesus was the son of God. Ernest Borgnine did it great. 😊❤🥰


I would love to see a video on how Atticus could be the centurion at the cross who claims Jesus as the Son of God. There’s already some scriptural evidence to that being a possibility in the Gospel of Mark.


I think it’s more likely Quintas will the centurion at the cross


Many Christians believe that the Centurion at the Cross was a Roman guard named Longinus. He suffered from an eye disorder, which left him nearly blind. When Longinus thrust his spear into Jesus’s side, blood and water spilled into his eyes, curing his sight. Converted on the spot, he uttered, “Truly this Man was the Son of God!” He was later canonized a saint. It will be interesting to see if The Chosen changes this account and has Atticus portray the centurion.


Yes she will convert, and I feel the same way about Claudius being the Centurion at theCross!


Atticus is not part of the military, I think he is a retired Pretorian Pretorian guards were the direct guards of the Roman Emperor and would protect the Emperor wherever he goes, so may be his tenure as Pretorian guard may have ended, but he continues to be a Atticus may hold even higher authority than Pontius


i think she will be giving a cloth to mother mary..and she will be converted after just so excited for these roles (with joanna) to be in the lime light. and maybe tamar’s real name is susanna? and i cant wait for a centurion/longinus back story and also simon of cyrene..


Atticus is ranked much higher than a Centurion, so I don't think he is the one at the cross
