python celery run flower

Показать описание
Celery is a distributed task queue library for Python that allows you to run tasks asynchronously. Flower is a real-time web-based monitoring tool for Celery, providing a visual interface for monitoring the status and health of your Celery cluster. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of setting up and running Flower with Celery using Python.
Before you begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed:
This example defines a Celery task that adds two numbers with a simulated delay.
Open a terminal and run Celery with the following command:
This starts the Celery worker to process tasks.
Open another terminal and run Flower with the following command:
Congratulations! You have successfully set up and run Flower with Celery using Python. Flower provides a convenient way to monitor the performance and status of your Celery tasks in real-time.
Feel free to explore Flower's features and customize your Celery configuration based on your project's requirements.
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