This is What Causes a Flat Head in Babies #parenting
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This is What Causes a Flat Head in Babies #parenting In infants, brachycephaly can be caused by repeated pressure on the back of the head, commonly known as positional plagiocephaly. This can happen when babies spend excessive time in a supine position or have limited head movement. In some cases, the condition may resolve naturally as the child grows and gains head control. However, if the deformity persists or is severe, treatment options such as repositioning techniques, helmet therapy, or surgery may be considered. Brachycephaly can sometimes be associated with developmental delays or other craniofacial abnormalities, so it's important to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management. #brachycephaly #skulldeformity #flattenedhead #widehead #skullfusion #restrictedgrowth #congenitalcondition #acquiredcondition #geneticfactors #positionalmolding #syndromes #positionalplagiocephaly #headpositioning #helmettherapy #surgery #developmentaldelays #craniofacialabnormalities #headshape #skulldisorder #pediatrics #healthcare #doctor #medicine #healthcare #interesting #medicineexplained #interestingfacts #fyp #fypシ