This is What Causes a Flat Head in Babies #parenting

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This is What Causes a Flat Head in Babies #parenting In infants, brachycephaly can be caused by repeated pressure on the back of the head, commonly known as positional plagiocephaly. This can happen when babies spend excessive time in a supine position or have limited head movement. In some cases, the condition may resolve naturally as the child grows and gains head control. However, if the deformity persists or is severe, treatment options such as repositioning techniques, helmet therapy, or surgery may be considered. Brachycephaly can sometimes be associated with developmental delays or other craniofacial abnormalities, so it's important to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management. #brachycephaly #skulldeformity #flattenedhead #widehead #skullfusion #restrictedgrowth #congenitalcondition #acquiredcondition #geneticfactors #positionalmolding #syndromes #positionalplagiocephaly #headpositioning #helmettherapy #surgery #developmentaldelays #craniofacialabnormalities #headshape #skulldisorder #pediatrics #healthcare #doctor #medicine #healthcare #interesting #medicineexplained #interestingfacts #fyp #fypシ
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One of my twins had a flat head due to 4 weeks of lying on his back in ICU after open heart surgery. He battled a number of infections in ICU. He was 3 months old. His flat head never came right naturally. Sadly he passed away aged 17, after more open heart surgery. So don't always blame parents for neglect.


In child development, we learn that in many severe cases (which is more common than people realize), this is a major sign of child neglect and abuse. Your baby should not be laying so much that their head flattens. Though, cases vary. The mild cases aren't considered neglect. But I'm talking about the severe ones.


When I was a child I have noticed that problematic kids at school had this head shape. Back then I thought it was odd but didn’t think much of it. Now being an adult I’m thinking most of them were probably not picked up enough, held enough and given attention… very sad :(


My niece had this….her parents were very neglectful and she spent most of her time in a car seat. I was so paranoid that my kids would have this so I held all 4 of them so much! They’re all so cuddly, and love mommy too. Their heads are perfect! 🥹
Hold your babies, you won’t regret it 🥰


You gotta rotate them like rotisserie chicken 😂


Or, you could, I don't know, PICK YOUR KID UP!!


The flat head used to be a beauty standard in Korea back in the 60s. My grandma purposefully kept my mom on her back to develop it. My mom hates it now.


There are other reasons for a flattened head. My son had a shortened neck muscle from position in the womb. When he laid down for naps, bedtime, in a car seat, diaper changes, etc his head would naturally lay more to one side making that side a little more flat. His was caught very early and we did exercises at home at 2 months to stretch that neck muscle out and he never needed a helmet. We were blessed with an exceptional pediatrician who was on top of things for both our beautiful babies, who were loved and held a lot! He is 13 now and sister 16 with perfectly round heads.


Everyone in my family have round heads. My grandmother didn't play that, she always told us to shape our baby heads and their heads weren't even flat!! Thanks granny!!!


Wish my parents had done this with me... My head still flat.. Never got tummy time... Hugs are still awkward 😔


More mothers should carry their babies, using a carrier or wrap. You can get a lot done when they're carried correctly


Had known a girl as a teen who was a very young mom and she would leave her child in the car seat even after bringing the child in the house. I was young and even knew that was unhealthy. I kept telling her to take the baby out and let them go tummy time and you hold her. The young girl was hooked on drugs. I felt so bad for their child. Our society doesn’t enable us to protect neglected children as they should. I’m 37 now and have three kids of my own. 5, 5, 4 yo. I love them to pieces.


Neighbor back in the day had a bunch of kids with flat heads, so flat it literally looked level. I cared for their grandmother in 72 hr shifts at times and for an entire weekend the youngest went 12/15each day without leaving their little baby rocking seat, no diaper change, no human contact other than a bottle when he cried and they propped that up on a blanket. The mother would never allow me to hold the baby or change him, she was evil for sure!!!!


Interesting. When my children were born in the '90's it was highly recommended to lay down your babys on their sides only. Changing the side after every nap. Never on their back and certainly not on their tummy to avoid the child to suffocate do to reflux. I live in the Netherlands.


I barely put my son down as an infant and he got tummy time as well. Every upsetsound he made I picked him up immediately. Kept his perfect noggin


I have this. I'm an adult now and I still have a weird flat back to my head. I can never go bald. 😟


This is also a direct result of ousting the narrative that leaving your kid flat on their back with protect them from SIDS. Shoving that down parents throats with no discussion about how to prevent the deformed heads. Both my children have perfect heads. They were rolling off their backs by the time they were 3 months old. They also spent very little time laying on their backs. They were nursed, carried, held and loved.


Newborns sleep 14-17 hours a day and they must be lying on their backs. Pediatricians say your child is more likely to pass away if you do not put them on their backs. Don’t blame simply child abuse. This can also be from pure fear of parents.


Ex family friend did this with all three of her children. The oldest is 7 and the twins are 5 and all three have horribly flat heads. She had cps called on her several times for all kinds of neglect.
