Charges Colorado Springs suspect faces | Club Q update

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The suspect in the deadly shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs Saturday night was arrested on 10 counts, including first-degree murder and bias-motivated crime, according to court records.

Though he has yet to be formally charged, Colorado court records show Anderson Lee Aldrich, 22, was arrested for investigation of five counts of first-degree murder after deliberation and five counts of bias-motivated crime—causing bodily injury.

The first five charges are class 1 felonies, while the potential bias-motivated crime charges are class 5 felonies. Court records also show Aldrich is being held without bond in the case.

Aldrich was hospitalized on Sunday after the shooting and his first court date had not been set as of 9 a.m. Monday, according to court records. Records show a judge in the case also ordered the arrest warrant affidavit and application for the arrest warrant to be sealed "utnil completion of investigation in this case."

Aldrich is accused of carrying out the shooting just before midnight Saturday at the LGBTQ+ nightclub in Colorado Springs, killing five people and injuring 25 others. The Colorado Springs police chief said Sunday Aldrich used a long rifle in the shooting and another weapon was also found at the nightclub.

Police have still not confirmed a motive in the case despite the arrest-only charges. But Club Q called the shooting a “hate attack” and officials said they would treat the investigation as one potentially involving a hate crime.
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Why oh why was he not in jail for the HUGE event he caused with a bomb threat? What were his bail conditions?


Why can't the general public and LGBTQi+ community just leave each other alone? Don't shout and don't shoot!


Seems as if the ppl inside the club came tg in order to stop the piece of shit! Good for them.. that had to take courage and bravery. Wonder if the media will report on that!


Young people out having a good time…. I don’t care what their lifestyle is…this is sad… they didn’t deserve this. They weren’t bothering anybody…


A life is a life. Doesn’t matter what your preference is in sexual matters. Everyone who died had a mother, and a father. I hope the family’s keep their heads up.


What does my being gay have to do with your religion.


Don’t engage with the energy vampires in the comments. That’s what they want. Don’t feed the demons.


How insane are the people who come here and bash anyone who was injured or died. These peoples lives should not be torn apart because of their sexual choices, they should just get compassion because they were harmed or killed. It makes no sense to me how your beliefs make any person lesser.


Glad you made it out. Wish everyone made it out. This is insanity.


My goodness these comments are so rude… these people lost there lives and honestly who knows if they were gay or not? They may have just been in the club because they didn’t want to be bothered, I’m straight and I used to go to gay bars because the guys wouldn’t bother me and the women all could tell I wasn’t gay but everyone was nice and left me alone! I could enjoy myself with out being bothered so what makes everyone think all these people were gay and not just hanging out? Or maybe knew someone at the bar and went as a friend… people are so rude and judgmental about people they don’t even know…

Hell I actually like drag queens they do great makeup and honestly the personalities are amazing!! And gay men I’d hang out with a gay man anytime over most straight men!!


People who want to murder will find what they think is their personal reason. They would gun down puppies. Plain old evil hate in heart and mind. So Sorry. RIP


Like church shootings there is a crazy person for every shooting bar or church or grocery stores etc


So i'm one third the way through the video and NO mention of evidence of the suspect's motives. Thumbs down for wasting my time.


This should be a lesson ...but this will happen Again.... Not easy to hear about ..


So much hatred in these comments. I hope the victims families know to avoid these trashy, subhuman morons in here.


Before committing a violent crime, criminals should take into deep consideration that they will have to sit through hours, maybe even days, of victim impact statements. You'll never forget what is said. It will burn in your mind and heart as you waste away in a lonely prison cell for the rest of your life. If I felt violent, I'd rather drive myself to a hospital and let medical professional know I'm at risk and get immediately admitted. At least in a psychiatric hospital setting you know a second chance, a free life, is guaranteed after you complete the extensive work of healing.


Wow, the hateful animals have all come out of their cages in this comment section.


So sad that this happened. Our deepest Sympathies to the Families of Victims and the Community. I hope there is Justice. I wish the Hate would stop 🎈 ⚖️❣️🙏🌟✨


Praying for the families and first responders.


Thank goodness so many have been able to give donations to help those directly effected by this tragedy.
