What Is Actually Expanding In Our Universe?

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#universe #space #cosmos #darkenergy
The universe began in a Big Bang nearly fourteen billion years ago, and has been expanding ever since. Astronomers have known for decades that the universe is expanding. When they use telescopes to observe faraway galaxies, they see that these galaxies are moving away from EarthBut how does the universe expand and what is it expanding into? The universe, like our balloon,is expanding, but what does this mean? To know this, imagine a balloon inflating. Initially, it's small and its markings are close together. As you inflate it, the balloon grows and the markings drift apart. Similarly, galaxies in ouruniverse are drifting apart, but not due to their own motion. Instead, the space between galaxies is increasing, analogous to the expanding balloon."But aren't galaxies moving?" Yes, they are, but not as you'd think. They're being carried by the stretching fabric of space itself. This is what we mean by the expanding universe. Scientists
are still unraveling why this is happening. It's a captivating mystery of our universe. But the question remains, what's causing this expansion? Let's dive in.""The culprit behind this universal expansion? Dark Energy. It's a bit like the phantom of the cosmic opera, elusive and enigmatic, yet it's believed to be the driving force behind the universe's ever-accelerating expansion. Imagine an invisible force field that permeates all of space, pushing galaxies away from each other. That's dark energy for you.Dark energy is not something we can touch or see, but we can observe its effects. It's a bit like wind. You can't see it, but you can see the leaves rustling in the trees. Similarly, we observe dark energy's effects on the cosmos through the movement of galaxies and the shape of the universe.This revelation was a game-changer. It suggested that about seventy percent of our universe is made up of this mysterious, invisible force. So, the universe expands because of this mysterious force we barely understand."The universe is expanding, and it's doing so at an accelerating rate. it means that in the distant future, we won't be able to see galaxies beyond our cosmic neighborhood.
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