132: A Conversation with Christian Nationalist Jon Wright (DTE #13)

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In the fifth episode in this series, Jeremy chats with Jon Wright, one of the hosts over at Eschatology Matters. They spend most of their time on how Christian Nationalism should properly be defined and, though they don't land on many agreed-upon conclusions, we trust that this conversation will be helpful for you.

Don’t skip parts 1-4!

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Keep your religion out of the government and stop harming people


The contrast between Christian Nationalism and my views is quite simple. They want to spread the Gospel for the purpose of changing politics. I want to use activism on various different political and non-political issues to provide opportunities for spreading the Gospel. My singular focus and goal is therefore upon spreading the Gospel, and the means I use for achieving that goal is political and non-political activism. In contrast, the Christian Nationalist has as his ultimate goal political change and seeks to use the Gospel as a tool for the accomplishment of that goal.

Also, I think it is clearly wrong to say that the Scriptural statement that the "gates of Hell" will not prevail against the church is talking about the amount of geographic area covered by Christendom. There are countless places that were once dominated by "Christianity" (assuming the most generous definition of the word possible) that are not now.


Christian Nationalism is a deeply unChristian belief. Jesus didn't come to conquer the world and force Christianity on everyone--Satan offered Jesus power over all the kingdoms of the world and he rejected it. We're temporary residents in this world awaiting Christ's kingdom in heaven, and it seems downright blasphemous to think that you know better than Jesus' own teachings and prioritize a kingdom on earth.


I am from Eastern Europe and I can literally see thru my window the remains of the Christian Empire of Rome while listening this


Sorry for bothering, but does anyone in the US think of Putins Russia as a "Christian nation"…? That's exactly how the current russian regime describes them selves in their inner propaganda. We might discuss the topic of "christian fascism" soon


Matthew 10:14. Jesus never wanted his faith forced on anyone. He said so, in unambiguous terms.

Also, you should probably know that the Catholics aren't EVER going to side with you. Neither are the mainlines or any person of color. Heck, 10 million religiously unaffliated voted republican, and you'd lose those, too. So I say go for it. Find out what a tiny minority you really are.


I am a amillenial CN. I don’t think postmilleniallism is a requirement to be CN.


In Wolfe’s book he presuppose the fall didn’t happen and what would that look like now, ergo we aim for that.
God wasn’t surprised by the fall and created the world with it in mind.
Are we then supposed to treat the world in a way that supposes that the law of God is expected to be obeyed by every man?
Also Wolfe calls for a Christian prince who will rule over those who aren’t saved and will need to come to power by an act of power. It is better for God to have His word obeyed but the Bible doesn’t prescribe that this is how it will be before the return of Christ.
