Breakthru-T conference Arturo and Lydia : Sacred Geometry

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Breakthru-T South France Conference 2019
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Bio Architecture and Sacred Geometry
The Sacred Science of Ancient Temples: A Journey into Sacred Geometry and Earth´s Fields

From the ancient past to the modern times, humans have been experimenting with various architectural approaches, according to the era, the specific functions and his own level of Consciousness. Nowadays, in spite of all the technological evolution and tools in our hands, there are still so many unanswered questions regarding the use and purpose of ancient temples and megalithic monuments:

1) How where they built, why were they built at locations with specific properties and with the use of particular material?

2)What is sacred geometry and why was it incorporated in the design of ancient temples?

3)Why did the ancient people and later mystics and masons spend so much time, energy and resources to build these structures?

4) Was it merely for divine worship or were there other functions more complex in nature?

We will go through the various geophysical location parameter of earth radiation, discover the scientific properties for choosing a sacred place, explore various ancient monuments such as mounds, megaliths, pyramids, stone circles, ancient Greek temple and attempt explaining the possible function of building such incredible structures all around the world.

Lydia Isabel de León, Ph.D (Greece)

Lydia Isabel de León, Geobiology (Greece), Diploma in Architecture (Greece), MSc in Sustainability (UK) is a Greek Architect and Wellness Coach, with a focus on the relation of buildings on health and well-being.

She holds a PhD in Physiology on the subject of the effect on geophysical anomalies on biology and has published in peer-review journals and conferences. She has been researching for 15 years the relation of ancient temples and their location. She is the creator of Healing Architecture.


Arturo Ponce de Leon, Arch, Psych (Mexico)

Arturo Ponce de León is a Architect, Engineer, Psychologist and expert in Sacred Geometry, which he has been teaching for 20 years and applying to architectural design in all scales and various projects.

He is founder of the companies Psicogeometria, Arqka and the University of Sacred Geometry. He is the author of two books, "Psicogeometria: el poder de la vida" (Psychogeometry: the power of life) and Biofractal: The Science of Sacred Geometry and Biological Architecture" (2016). He is an international speaker in universities, conferences and seminars.


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